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Sunday, June 5, 2016

Eddie Sanders Invites You to the 2000 Man March in Muskegon Heights June 11th

It's funny how you make a friend.  I didn't know Eddie Sanders from the next guy until I met him a few years ago as he was singing the National Anthem at a Muskegon Lumberjacks game.  My first thought was being a little intimidated.  Eddie is TALL, Eddie is impeccably dressed on most occasions and when he opens up that mouth to sing...brace yourself....he's got a voice that will blow you away.  He's even got a record out....we'll talk about that shortly!

We're guys, so our first contact was like any other meeting of guy's, a couple of hello's, how ya doings and stuff...but as time went on and I could see and learn more about the guy behind the great suits, towering presence and booming voice.  Eddie became someone I really believe in.  He's kind, passionate about things and goes out of his way to let people know that they are accepted, appreciated and important!  He sees some of the same things I do, and I think, he's equally concerned about how we face race relations, not only here in Muskegon but everywhere.  Eddie works with a local group called "Men of Color Read" who go into schools and read to kids!  He's also put out a CD called "They Counted Us Out" and the message is if you somehow feel like you're on the "outside" there is nothing really to stand in your way.  No one needs to be counted out.

2000 Man Unity March on Facebook
Eddie is behind an upcoming event in Rowan Park on June 11th called the 2000 Man March.  It's an effort to bring the community together so we can all see things a little more closer to the same page. Eddie is also a part of  "Young Brothers" a mentor initiative that gives youth 12-18 a forum of dialogue from the day today struggles, gangs, drugs, being fatherless etc., with the hope of leading all to the right path. Also, he has plans of opening an after school mentor program for youth thru I.N.O.J Ministries which he founded in 2013 to offer tutors, a vocal coach, piano lessons and life skills to cater to their creative expressions. 

We're one community and regardless of zip code, skin color or economic status....we sink or swim together.  We really outta do a better job being neighbors than we do being "people across the street".

Eddie was kind enough to take a few minutes out from planning this momentous occasion and talk with me about what moves him and why he's taken such great care in the planning this event!  Have a listen below!

I am one to stand right next to Eddie.  I think everyone who can should be a part of this historic event in Muskegon Heights and support the thought of making Muskegon more of "our town" instead of a town we live in.  Ownership, understanding and communication are all a vital part of the health of a community.  Take a few minutes to take stock of yourself and see if you are part of making Muskegon the ideal place it should be.  If you' like to donate to the march, you may do so at the Family Financial Credit Union at 3575 Henry Street in Muskegon.  Tell them you'd like to contribute to INOJ Ministries.  You'll also have a chance to get a shirt at the event for $10 to support the cause.

Oh, hey...and by the way.....that song we're talking about.... have a listen to a truly gifted friend and singer.

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