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Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Truth - Honesty About Life October 13th at the Frauenthal Center

It's getting close!  I mean to tell you we're just down to a few days until the Frauenthal Center welcomes three speakers in to discuss some pretty heavy topics, alcoholism, crime and punishment and human trafficking.  The program is October 13th at 7pm.  It's a free evening and it's designed to show the community that change is real and that it can happen for anyone.  The Truth - Honesty About Life Presented By Mercy Health is going to happen.

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Leading up to the evening, I've been getting a few questions about what will be discussed.  Well, for starters....I don't want to limit the audience....I started drinking when I was 12.  12!  Yes, it wasn't much and no I am not the only one who started something that young.  Truth that age and younger start things every day.  I would say that if you think your son or daughter could benefit from that kind of's a good thing to bring them.

Nate Johnson started off with petty crimes...then he worked his way up to being a crack dealer....and ended up in prison for it.  Anny Donewald thought a gig as a topless dancer would be an easy way to pay for college.  She ended up in the human trafficking world.  Today...she helps women out of it.  Saves their lives and gives them back their dignity and hope in a life post slavery.  All three of us....all three of us sure didn't set out to have life take over like it did....but it happened.

The Truth on Facebook

A question that's popped up more than once is "Is this going to be an overly religious thing?"  Well, personally....I don't claim a religion.  I have no issues with religion and those who practice a faith.  I have chosen to accept a higher power as I understand it.

I know I wouldn't even be here to do this presentation if a few miracles have happened along the way....the biggest one being my sobriety.  Mine is not the job to question a definition of God...mine is just to know that there must have been more for me to do on this planet, so I try.

You'll find plenty of others there too who offer services.  The Family Outreach Center will be there.  So will the Red Project, Mercy Life, Wedgewood, The Suicide Prevention Coalition and HealthWest.  If you need a hand, it will be there.

Come on out and hear the talk.  Take away what you can and know that this is simply a way to give a little back in thanks for the second chance.  We all hope you'll walk away with a feeling of hope, accomplishment and knowing that our stories can be anyone's....

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