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Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Michigan Irish Music Festival September 15th-18th in Muskegon

I remember back years ago, I was asked at the radio station "Hey, can you do a remote on Friday?"  "Sure - where?"  "Heritage Landing, some new Irish Festival."  That was 1999 or 2000 as I recall.

Who knew that "Some new Irish Festival" would turn into what is now a national attraction for all things Irish and a festival that has grown to epic proportions and become a staple in West Michigan and the Midwest.

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In 2016 The Michigan Irish Music Festival happens again September 13th-15th at Heritage Landing in Muskegon and as you can expect it's grown again and offers more to see an do than can be packed into one day.  Music, food, entertainment, story tellers, cooks, vendors, displays, a Catholic Mass...language lessons, bagpipes, dancing, get the idea.  It's a big endeavor and a marquee event for Muskegon.

It's grown so much that it takes 956 volunteers to put it on.  It takes multiple sites all constructed at Heritage Landing and it takes a focus dedicated to customer service and an all around entertainment that has been awarded repeatedly....copied often and envied by many festival organizers all over the country.  Artists from Ireland come to play...authenticity to Irish tradition is paramount and the experience for attendees is second to none.

 What was once kind of the "end of the Summer party" has become the top festival in Muskegon and it's because of the hard work of their dedicated board of directors of 21 people who all dedicate their time and energy to producing this festival.  Not to mention the incredible army of people who work on site during the weekend and the sponsors who all believe in the rich rewards that a festival of this magnitude brings to Muskegon.

I was able to catch up with Chris Zahrt who's been with the festival since day 1 to learn a little more about this years event.  Take a listen.

It's something to be very proud of and something to protect.  It's a jewel of an event and the work of so many should be respected, rewarded and above all... reveled in!  It's still a pretty good sign that the end of the Summer is here, and the long cold months ahead will keep us cooped up inside for a while.  It's time to get out and celebrate one last time....enjoy friends and neighbors and quite a few visitors coming in to our little neck of the woods!  Many thanks to Chris Zahrt for taking a minute to talk about this years festival.  If you'd like more information or on the link below!

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