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Sunday, September 4, 2016

Community Encompass Wants You to Taste and See in Muskegon September 27th

How about a night out?  You could use on!  Why not make your night out that doubles as a tour of parts of Muskegon while finding out exactly what's happening in neighborhoods that are turning the corner and stopping into restaurants, schools, breweries, bakeries and more?  Tempting to the taste buds to say the least but the experience is just as important as the food and drink!

Sponsor Message

The event is being put on by Community Encompass of Muskegon.  "What's Community Encompass of Muskegon" you ask?  Well thank you for asking.  Community Encompass is Christian community development organization for the core city neighborhoods of Muskegon.

The reach of Community Encompass is something I didn't even realize the scope of until I began to write this article.  You'll find services like "Sacred Suds".  A newly renewed center for people to get their laundry done and they offer showers as well.  How about "Yep"?  An outreach for people 15-20 years old who'd like to develop leadership skills, gain work experience, and help build neighborhoods through basic maintenance like lawn care and home rehab...oh, and while they are at it, they are preparing for college or the work place.  Then, there's the "Muskegon Learning Lab."   Computers, are available to search for a job, brush up the resume, complete college course work and more...and if that's not enough, there's the "Neighborhood Christmas Store".  Imagine a selection of new, unopened presents at affordable prices so no parent has to face a holiday without a visit from Santa for their kids.  It's an extensive list of services provided by people who care and want the best for Muskegon.

Get Tickets to Taste and See

Back to your night out.  You'll stop at some of Muskegon's best spots.  From Fatty Lumpkins to the Coffee Factory, Unruly Brewing, Curry Kitchen, Ryke's Bakery and more!  Tickets for the event are available until September 11th so plans can be shored up for all of the stops.  I was invited by Pat Thompson and Sarah Rinsema-Sybenga to stop in an learn a little more about the event as well as Community Encompass.  Take a listen to our chat below.

There you have it!  PROOF that for any bad news you hear in Muskegon...there are a minimum of 10 good things.  A number exceeded by Community Encompass of Muskegon under one umbrella.  If you'd like to know more, click on the Community Encompass logo below to visit their website.  Better yet...get off the web and get do to Community Encompass and lend a hand.  You'll find in no short order just how many people really do care and go the extra mile for our home!

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