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Friday, September 23, 2016

Create Your Own Line of Work! Ice Box Brand Ice Cream Bars of Whitehall

I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream right?  Well, that might hold true for some ice creams but....if you're going to bite into an Ice Box Brand Ice Cream might want to turn that scream into a sultry whisper because you are about to bit into an indulgent treat worthy of royalty and the best part is...they are all made locally and with as many local products as can be used!

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Back about 2012 Chris Morin was on Craigslist and stumbled upon an ice cream truck for sale and thought that it would be a nice addition to the Whitehall area, so...he bought the truck and began to delight the masses with the usual fare....until later that year the idea popped that maybe he could up the game a little and offer his own brand of premium ice cream treats that made a gourmet experience out of an ice cream bar!

Careful and deliberate steps were talking to grow this business, product taste testing among family and friends...(thanks for the call) some time spent in The Starting Block in Hart, which is an incubator kitchen for people to develop ideas and then it was time to hit the streets with their very own products.  It's been an amazing start too!!  From the truck, some stores asked if they could carry the bars..then came venues like The West Michigan Whitecaps and now you can find their products in about 100 locations  from Saugatuck all the way to Ludington!

Ice Box Brand on Facebook

It's proof folks!  If you've got an idea...and you're willing to put your nose to to the grindstone and believe in what you're doing....not to mention offering a premium can happen!  You can begin to work for yourself....realize a dream and set the standard for others to shoot for!  Chris Morin stopped in to talk about the process and products.  Take a listen to our chat below!

What a great start up!!  It's taken some drive and dedication but the brand is established and the business is growing!  It's a start your own business....but if you stick to your passion and are willing to put all you can into the effort....not to mention offer something delicious....unique and with a keen eye on what people can make a splash too!!  Thanks to Chris for stopping by to talk a little about the sweet treats!  If you'd like to know on the Ice Box Brand Ice Cream truck below!!

Ice Box Brand Online

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