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Friday, September 9, 2016

The United Way's Day of Caring - Kicking off The Fund Raising Campaign For Human Needs

This week, we welcomed The United Way of the Lakeshore to Positively Muskegon as a sponsor, and's an honor.  To have a group like the United Way recognize the work we do at Positively Muskegon to tell the story of our community in a better light.  It's kind of validation to know that a group that works so hard to make Muskegon better sees value in what we do!  Thanks to the United Way!

Sponsor Message
We'd have been here telling the story of the United Way Day of Caring regardless of the sponsorship because it's important to let you know just what kind of work the United Way is doing around town and the lives they touch.  The United Way continues to focus on the A.L.I.C.E. program which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.  To sum it up, ALICE is a program for the working poor who somehow survive day in and day out in an increasingly expensive word and struggle to make ends meet.

Learn More About ALICE

The United Way helps agencies like The Salvation Army and Community enCompass who are on the street level every day offering assistance to people with everything from food pantry needs, to housing assistance, clothing, neighborhood building, places for people to do their laundry and use a computer if they need one.  Simply put...The United way relies on you to fund the activities they do to build community and help those who need a hand up.  You can see...just the couple of agencies mentioned here help weave the fabric of stronger communities and a brighter future.

I was able to make it down to the Muskegon Farmers Market as the United Way Day of Caring was happening and I asked for a little different type setting for some points of view.  I asked the United Way to find me three different points of view on the impact the United Way has and what the Day of Caring means to each of the guests.  I met Eric Jepsen, Matt Kaley and Brandon Steury to learn more  Take a listen to our interview below!

It's a lot of work and a lot of people that make the United Way of the Lakeshore the remarkable organization it is.  They reach much deeper than the ALICE program and their work helps strengthen our community and others around the country.  Your part in the help is contributing what you can.  Be it time, talent or treasure an active role in the community is important for everyone.  If you'd like to know more about the United Way of the Lakeshore, click on their logo below!

Visit the United Way of the Lakeshore Online

Sponsor Message

The United Way is the subject of this article and does not endorse any political candidates who have a paid ad on the blog 

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