The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Friday, September 16, 2016

Michigan's Heritage Park - Fall Harvest Fundraiser September 24th

Earlier this Summer, I took a drive up to Michigan's Heritage Park in Whitehall.  It's part of the Lakeshore Museum Center and I was just amazed at this incredible place for families, history buff's and fans of learning more about how we got to where we are here in the Muskegon area.

Step by step, you pass through the years it took Muskegon to grow.  From the fur trader days up to our logging era and's an interactive museum and a hands on experience to learn more about Michigan!

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Saturday September 24th they are having a delightful Fall Festival at the Michigan's Heritage Park.  You'll find plenty of great activities like a pancake breakfast from 9-Noon with Chris Cakes...I hear it's a good time to practice catching flying drawn carriage rides throughout the day, a hay bale maze...pumpkin bowling, a candy corral and more!  Plus, you'll be able to enjoy plenty of the hands on activities already going on at the museum.  There will be two sessions.  The morning session and the pancake breakfast end at noon!

Michigan's Heritage Park Online

I had a chance to catch up with Wendy VanWoerkom from the Michigan's Heritage Park to learn a little more about this event and how they go the extra mile to make the park such a unique and fin place for kids, families and those fascinated by history!  Take a listen to our chat below!!

There you have the details!  Now...make some plans to get out and attend this great Fall Festival for anyone!  No tricks or goblins chasing you hype or hub bub, just a great day to enjoy with the family and a chance to watch minds young and old come to life seeing what the past had going on in Muskegon and what a truly beautiful place we call home today!! For a complete schedule of activities see the image below and click on it to visit the Michigan's Heritage Park Event page!!

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