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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Rock Against Abuse September 10th at Hackley Park in Muskegon

Muskegon is long known for it's music scene!  We've had a great bunch of musicians and bands over the years and they have all kept people entertained at local bars, community party's and festivals as well. Some have made it all the way to "The Big Time" while others settle for a great crowd on a weekend night providing the soundtrack to the party.  Know this though.. Muskegon bands are no different than any of us.  They can combine to be a force for good and make a difference in lives.

This Saturday, Rock Against Abuse will prove just that at Hackley Park.  From 12n-7p fans will have a chance to check out some of their favorite bands in the cool and comfy setting of Downtown Muskegon and the stunning setting of Hackely Park.

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You'll get to check out Lakeshore Drive, Two Heded Chan, Product of Society, Of All We Cherish, Bianca Luz, Minus Two, Biffy the Beat Slayer,  and Kill Tomorrow.  Best part is, you can catch them all outside in the open air as opposed to some dark bar setting, not that there is anything wrong with a dark bar setting.  :)  It's going to be a loud afternoon for sure, but the big part of it all, is that it's a benefit for the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon.

The need is great and the services offered are immense when it comes to the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon.  They serve thousands of people in the Muskegon Area annually and they always find innovative and fun ways to raise a few bucks to continue their work.  Rebel Road is a big one, but it takes a sustained annual presence to make sure those effected by abuse are cared for, or the abuse is stopped before it starts.

Rock Against Abuse on Facebook

It's an all hands on deck effort by a lot of local people who want to do their part.  James Saville was able to take a few minutes out of his day at Excelsior Computers to talk a little about the event and what fans can expect Downtown Muskegon this Saturday.  Take a listen to our chat below.

We all do our part in Muskegon.  It's one of the best parts of being here.  No matter the nitch, someone finds a way to fill it while showcasing our local talent, beauty and state of mind.  If we can raise a few bucks for a worthy cause and have a good time doing it....let's do it!  Tickets for Rock Against Abuse will be available at Hackley Park next Saturday. Admission is $5 bucks and all proceeds go to the Child Abuse Council.  For the official Rock Against Abuse website, click on their logo below!

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