The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company
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Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year From Positively Muskegon

Welcome to 2016!!  Not sure what 2015 did for you and was the year that the decision was made to tell the story of the people, the places and the things that set Muskegon apart!

Many of you know my story, I came here with nothing....I had a drinking problem and a couch.  The belief placed in me by the people of Muskegon has been without exception the most awe inspiring thing I could have ever imagined.  No, I am not filthy rich because of it, but I am lucky enough to have been able to get to know so many awesome people and organizations in this area that believe just like I do.  Our best days are yet to come, and if you peek around that next corner....I think you'll see them right there!!

It's my humble opinion that the really good things that happen here don't get the attention they deserve.  Media should be an economic driver.  Media should be an active participant in telling the story of the area it serves and media should accentuate the times we live in without worrying about how many clicks they get or how many corners they can cut!

If you have a story idea.....tell us!  If you like what you read....share it!  If you'd like to be a sponsor of this page and reach thousands of people in and around Muskegon....we promise you this.  Your investment will be well spent, and as a client, you'll be given so much more than the "take it or leave it" attitude that has been "the norm" for quite some time here!

I remain very hopeful for the future.  I will work in the medium I know to do my part to move Muskegon forward and highlight the truly remarkable people in it.

Thank you for making me a part of such a great fun loving place to call home.  They didn't come up with "Love Muskegon" because of me....but they could have!

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