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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Muskegon’s Christmas Miracle

First off, we’d like to take a minute or two to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  We’re new…we’re the spot telling you about the great things that happen in Muskegon and doing what we can to be not only a place for a break from the day to day things you see and read.  Sure, Muskegon has some areas that can be improved….just like any other city, but there is much more to the story and we’ve kinda made up our minds to tell those kind of stories…..which leads to the Christmas Miracle.

No matter who you are, or where you come from if you are in Muskegon….you are in a very special place.  You are in a city big enough to have most everything and small enough that you can still know friends, neighbors and more than likely, some people from across town as well.  You can find in very short order that the people here….are good, honest and proud and they manage to keep their chin up and carry on no matter the circumstances. 

You can find business people, beach bums, bikers, bowlers, believers, achievers and passers by.   You can find a group, you can find a league, you can find a sport or maybe you can just march to the beat of your own drummer!  Point is, you’ll find good people here who are willing to accept you for who you are and if you are willing to put forth, Even a day or two a year, being a part of what matters to all of the people I just mentioned, you will find that what you give, is given back 10 fold.  You will find those willing to help you in return, those who are willing to do their part and those who can help you find an answer to any question you may have.  You’ll find some who have nothing and you’ll find some who don’t ever have to work another day in their life, but the important part is….they are there to be found.  You’ll find those who “Watch us Go” and you will find too, those who are not watching….but they are MAKING us go! 

I promise you this.  You won’t hear this from any other media source. 

When you look for the Christmas Miracle this year, look no further than the next person you see.  Look for someone from Muskegon and look for what they have to offer as opposed to what you hear about the area.  You will find in no short order,, the Christmas Miracle in Muskegon this year….is all of us!  Including you!

Merry Christmas from Positively Muskegon!

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