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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Matt Dirito of Pop Evil Offers Star Treatments

Matt Dirito of Pop Evil has a LOT going on.  With the band the release of their 5th CD "Up" was a pretty big moment in 2015 and the touring that they never seem to take a break from is helping continue the march of West Michigan's home boys!  Number 1 tours and a growing fan base are all some of the spoil of the business, they have all worked their tails off and continue to leave a lasting impression of fans world wide!

Busy right?  Well, even with all of that going on Matt Dirito manages to make sure that his time and talent are paid back by doing something remarkable for kids and families who are facing treatment for illness.  

Matt's project?  Star Treatments!
Click to Follow Star Treatments on Facebook!

Imagine your family is facing the unthinkable of a child with cancer.  The thought alone is enough to send chills down your spine....but add in the cost, the endurance of treatments and the stress of the whole thing?  It's overwhelming.  Now, imagine a day when your kid has to go for treatment....but there is a giant tour bus out front of the house to really break up the stress and give that kid a chance to live like a rock star while they head in for necessary help!  

A week off and Matt came by the house to talk a little about the band...a lot about Star Treatments and what's next for everyone as the 2016 unfolds!  Take a listen to the interview below!

If you'd like to know more about Star Treatments click on their logo below!!  When the Spring and Summer tours start keep an eye out for Pop Evil and head to a show!  The new CD "Up" is available anywhere so pick up a copy of that too and help keep Muskegon's favorite sons out there representing us well and doing great things like taking care of kids who need a hand!  If you'd like to donate to Star Treatments - You'll find the link on their webpage!

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