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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Changing Face of Muskegon's Veterans

It's kind of hard to stop and think about how our US Veterans are changing in Muskegon these days.  We've only a few left of the "Greatest Generation" who went toe to toe with a world gone mad at the hands of Adolph Hitler.  Most of our parents that saw combat came after with Vietnam and as difficult as it is to be able to admit...the Vietnam generation isn't far behind them when it comes to an aging population.  They are getting older and time continues to march on for all of us!

With that thought, Chapter 31 of the Vietnam Veterans of America is extending an invitation to all Vietnam Veterans as well as Afghanistan and Iraq era veterans to join them at the V.F.W. Hall on Old Grand Haven Road and Porter out by the Muskegon County Airport for their monthly meeting.  The meeting begins with a pot luck at 6:30 and some time for fellowship and then the meeting commences and wraps up by 8.  The meetings are held the last Thursday of every month.

Final Approach Memorial

I had a chance today to sit down and talk with Michael Sutton who served in the Air Force and some other duties in the Vietnam Era.  Mike stays busy now with the Final Approach Memorial as well as spending some time down on the USS Silversides doing what he can to keep the memory alive for soldiers of every conflict you can think of.  Mike talked a little about the generations passing....why you don't hear very much from Vets when it comes to the job they have done as well as the need for some younger Veterans to find a group, a purpose and something even more important.  The fact that they are not alone.  Take a listen to the interview for the story!

Sliversides Memorial

We're proud of our military in Muskegon.  Our gratitude will always be there for those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for freedom and if you are a younger Veteran, here's your invitation to be a part of something bigger as well as maybe find someone who you can identify with who have walked the same path as you.

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