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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Front Porch Church of Muskegon

Recently, we covered the story of Embrace Books of Muskegon and how they work to make sure that books of all kinds are free for people if they come in and ask.  Reading is fundamental and a building block for success, so when Taleah Faith invited us to tell the story of her work we jumped at it.

Did you miss the story on Embrace Books?  Click here!

Embrace Books is located on Southern Avenue in Muskegon and is housed inside a very unique place!  The Front Porch Church!

I had a chance to talk with their pastor Wally Harrison a little about the church, the mission and some of the statistics on faith in Muskegon.  I wasn't surprised to find the numbers of those who don't claim a denomination in their faith in Muskegon, but I was surprised at how some churches are able and willing to adapt to the current times and offer a service for worship and praise in a setting that is unique, comfortable and really, kind of cuts the old feeling of "do this do that" during a service.

Personally, I grew up Catholic and am very grateful for the 12 years of Catholic schools and parents that took the time to set my moral compass.  I am not a practicing Catholic anymore, but faith, belief and trust in a Higher Power are paramount in my life.  Yes, it took bottoming out with alcoholism to get me to understand God the way I needed to.  I don't think there is anything wrong with organized religion.  It's needed for community, it's needed for family and the fellowship it helps foster is truly a building block for any one.  Am I trying to force religion on you?  Not in the least...but if you are seeking a different way to praise....the Front Porch Church might just be for you!

Meet Pastor Wally and hear what makes the Front Porch Church of Muskegon such a special place!

If you'd like to know more about the Front Porch Church click on the photo below.  It will take you to their website and you can know a little more.  You are invited of course to join them Saturday evening at 5 for their service!

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