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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Muskegon Unites to Help the Flint Water Crisis

No matter where you stand on the political battle over the Flint water crisis, the simplest of thoughts is this.  The people of Flint need the entire state to rally around them and we all need to come together to make sure the people in Flint have the water they need for the most basic ability to survive.  We are all water based organisms...and we are all part of the brotherhood of man. 

Muskegon Heights fire fighter Terry Sabo and Marianne Darnell who is the President of the Black Women's Political Caucus have teamed up to put together an opportunity for you to do what you can to help.  A bottle of water, a case....totally up to you.  Just do SOMETHING so we can show the people of Flint that they are not standing alone and that the West Coast sees that they are important and we're here for them.

Flint's Water

Photo courtesy neogaf

The water can be dropped off Saturday January 30th beginning at 9 am at the Greater Harvest Baptist Church Located at 2435 Riordan Street.

Take a listen to the interview.  You'll see that this isn't a competition but a request to help any water drive you can.

We share a lot in common with Flint in the eyes of many.  It's always bothered me that these two cities seem to be the butt of jokes or something to be ashamed of.  They are not.  There are good people in both and there is much to be proud of.

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