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Sunday, January 17, 2016

Muskegon's Memory Lane - Our Digital Archive

Positively Muskegon is the new kid in town.  The goal is simple, to provide a side of the news and the people who don't expect thanks, don't think what they do is anything extraordinary but are the fiber that keep us together with their quiet work, steadfast approach and their belief in a better way... and better image of Muskegon.

A big part of everything that makes Muskegon what it is is the rich history this city has.  We have seen change.  From the lumber years to the industrial years and now, a time of transition as we look to the next 100 years.  All of that history is what one site is out to showcase in a way that really kind of gives everyone a chance to tell their story of what makes Muskegon so special!  What stood out from one persons memories, how did another see their neighborhood and what made growing up here in Muskegon so awesome. 

Muskegon's Memory Lane is a Facebook group run by Gayle Weesies and as time has gone on she's picked up quite a following of nostalgia fans, people who want to remember the "good old days" or just those who find some pictures in a box in an attic and want to share them to let everyone see.

The memories are great, but if you stop and think about it, Gayle has created an open source to all to build an online museum of memories.  Muskegon's Memory Lane is a living record of everything in Muskegon and it's updated in real time, all the time with things you may or may not remember.  There are photos and stories there that show the good times, and the bad.  You can see everything from thousands gathered to welcome home the 1954 Class A basketball champs, to coins that were redeemable for merchandise at L.H. Fink's Cigar Stores.

Our history in something to be proud of.  To hold your head high about and if you are so a part of it with Muskegon's Memory Lane.  Take a minute and find Muskegon's Memory Lane on Facebook and follow the page.  Join the group and let your memories of Muskegon be heard.  Thanks to Gayle for taking the time to remember and give everyone a chance to share their memories of our great home. Click on the picture below to find Muskegon's Memory Lane on Facebook!

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