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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day 2015 - In Muskegon

It's a day that is held in reverence across the country.  The young men and women who have signed up to serve this country over the years, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend the freedom and the people of the United States and it's allies.  It's a commitment beyond measure and a willingness to be part of the greater good.

Was it the Revolution?  Could it have been the Civil War?  Was it WWI or WWII?  Korea?  Vietnam?  The Middle East? Afghanistan?  Could it have been peace time when our Veterans served?  No matter the situation and no matter the circumstance, Muskegon is a very special place when it comes to honoring our Veterans.

Photo Courtesy Mlive
A daily drive down the causeway takes you past the names of those who served.  It's better to stop and walk the Veterans Memorial Park but if you're going by, stop and think of the names being remembered there.

On the other side of town, Final Approach remembers those who served with a stunning display of a Huey helicopter coming in for a landing.  Offering safety, respite and quite possibly a final ride home.

On the water, we have the USS Silversides and the LST 393.  One was the third most lethal submarine in WWII and the other landed on the beach at Normandy making 30 round trips to begin to liberate Europe from the clutches of evil.

Muskegon is rich with many things.  People, history and honor and we are very fortunate to be able to house such treasures.  All of which are maintained by people who dedicate their life to volunteering their time to make sure the memories, the stories and honor of those who have served, those who continue to serve and those who hear the call to serve in the future.

Hold your head high Veterans.  We are grateful, we are humbled and we honor you!  

A tour of the LST

The Silversides

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