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Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Positively Muskegon Flashback - The Gamper

While I have been around a good long while with hockey in Muskegon, as time goes on....things change, people change and somethings just kind of seem to fall through the cracks.  It's the price of progress I suppose, but not long ago, I stumbled across a tape I had recorded because I for once had the foresight to know, it would be very hard to find and probably lost to time.  I was right.  Couldn't find in anywhere and was surprised actually to find the old reel to reel tape I had it on.

Not having a reel to reel tape machine anymore.... I had to do some quick thinking and reached out to a long time friend and mentor Gary Hunt, who does have a reel to reel machine and was kind enough to put it into digital format for me, so I could share it with the hockey fans from all seasons past.

Enjoy, The Gamper!

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