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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Giving Back Christmas December 12th

Christmas means a lot to people.  It's a time of family, friends and community.  To some it's an extravagant others, it's a time of gratuity and simple pleasures. We can't forget the other celebrations of Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and for some...Festivus.  However you celebrate, the importance is the same.  Giving a little of yourself for others.  It's a simple task and the amazing results of acts of kindness show the world who we would ideally be.

This year, there is a first time event called Giving Back Christmas happening at the VFW Hall on Apple Avenue December 12th from 4p-8p.  It's being organized by Andrea Rosema and her group of volunteers.  The idea is simple.

There will be chances for kids to make cards for veterans and first responders, there will be arts and crafts stations, story time, decorating bags for Kids Food Basket of Muskegon, cookie decorating, cake walks, reindeer games, elves workshops, gift wrapping stations, selfie booth and more.  Best part of it, it's all free.
Friends Making a Difference

I had a chance to visit Andrea today and learn a little more about the event and what inspired her to organize this event which she hopes, becomes an annual event and something families look forward to every year.  Have a look at the video below to learn more from Andrea!

This is something that Positively Muskegon is ALL ABOUT.  To see friends, neighbors and community members coming together to set a good example for kids, taking care of those in need and putting yet another signature event on the map right here in Muskegon!  Our sincere thanks to Andrea for taking charge and showing everyone the true meaning of Christmas!  Here's a list of the goings on!!

If you'd like to follow Giving Back Christmas on Facebook, please click on their logo below and hit like on their page!  You can contact Andrea through there if you'd like to participate or donate something to help the cause!

Sponsor Message

Up to 5 lines for $100 Bucks!

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