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Monday, August 29, 2016

The Truth - Honesty About Life - Coming October 13th to Muskegon's Frauenthal Theater

It's been a while since I had my last drink.  It's also been a complete 360 for me since I was given the gift of a second chance at life. With that second chance came the responsibility to give that gift away as often as possible and give it back to others freely.

I have never shied away from talking about my past.  Looking back, bout as far as I can remember, I think it was inevitable...I was going to be an addict.

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The entire story will be told on October 13th.  I have invited a couple friends to join me at the Frauenthal Center to talk about some of the pitfalls we encountered and how we were all able to recognize a second chance had been given and that it was incumbent of us to take our experiences and share them with others to help them avoid the pitfalls or....what steps they can take to begin to dig themselves out of their situations.

Andy O'Riley
Mine is the story of an alcoholic.   I was young when I couldn't sleep....I'd self medicate by sneaking out into the garage at night and drinking half a beer which would make me drowsy enough to doze off at 1-2 in the morning finally.  I drank till I was 33 and along the way, I left a path of self destruction and disappointment.  I failed myself and probably should have been fired 500 times for my work ethic.

Nate Johnson was at one point called "White Boy Nate".  He peddled crack, stole cars, caused mayhem and eventually did 12 years for his crime.  Today, Nate has an organization called 70x7 in Muskegon and he works to help others coming out of prison to re-acclimate themselves to society.

Imagine coming out of prison and not knowing anything about how society works after a long stay?  Chances'd want to go back....well, with a hand, you wouldn't have to.

Nate Johnson
Anny Donewald was working her way through college as a topless dancer and she found herself in the human trafficking business before she knew it.  She worked as a high end escort and found that life in that line of work was really a trap...that she broke free from.  Now, her national organization Eve's Angels helps recuse women from the sex industry and gives them safe harbor and guidance.

Anny Donewald

Anny has a best selling book out called "Dancing for the Devil" out and speaks out about human trafficking and the serious problem that so many just like to pretend doesn't exist.  She's been on multiple talk shows, spoken to more than one governmental group trying to address the sex trafficking issues and is currently in the process of trying to secure funds to purchase a safe house, tucked away in the middle of no where to save women from a life of slavery in the sex industry.  She's a very powerful speaker and human being.

These are tough subjects to hear about.  There will be scary moments in the stories....but none of us plan on pulling any punches.  You'll hear what it took to get us backed into a corner and you'll hear how miracles got us into a position to be able to let go and let God guide us.  You'll hear how we apply the gifts and return the blessing of a new life.

This talk is good for people who wonder if they have a problem.  It's good for younger people to hear and know that there are those who are not afraid to talk about where they hit a bump in the road and how their lives are now spent trying to help others.  Mercy Health is the title sponsor and you'll find information on site at the Frauentahl on October 13th to help you connect with an agency here in town that can help you out if you're facing unexpected issues in life.  The presentation is free of charge, but...we'll be asking for some donations for both Eve's Angels as well as 70x7 the night of the talk.  There will be ticket locations coming soon as to where you can pick up what you need.

If you have a large group that would like to be accommodated CLICK HERE to e-mail Andy O'Riley and we will make arrangements to get you tickets in advance.

It's going to be a powerful night.  It's going to be very open and very honest discussion about subjects that are taboo to some....but to others.....they need to be heard so they too can find out just how wonderful life is past the problem.

We all look forward to seeing you Thursday October 13th in Muskegon at the Frauenthal Center for "The Truth" - Honesty about Life Presented By Mercy Health.  You can click on the image below for the Facebook event page.

The Truth - Event Page on Facebook

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