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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Hillbilly River Poker Run - Benefits Cystic Fibrosis in Muskegon

Delaina Peters gives me a holler and says - "Hey, how bout covering our poker run on Positively Muskegon?"  So I said sure figuring it was another motorcycle run but this time to benefit Cystic Fibrosis, so let's find out the route and get a few of our two wheeled friends out there to help a great cause!

Then we sit down for the interview and she tells me it's a tubing trip poker run down the Muskegon River and my mind.....instantly blown!

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Imagine a family friendly event put on to help aid in the fight the horrible disease of Cystic Fibrosis.  It's been around for a few years and continues to grow into a great event for people of all ages!  Yes, it might not get the fanfare that bigger events do, but...Delaina has a way of making some of the best kept secrets event wise around Muskegon really great times and raise a lot of money for causes!

You'll find camping, music, "hillbilly games" (you really need to listen to the interview to hear about those!) great food, friends and plenty of fun if you are there to camp or just go for the 2 hour float down the river to enjoy the beautiful scenery and relaxation you'll only find in our pristine river!

Delaina came to see me at the Muskegon Farmers Market along with Ken Ferrier to talk about the goings on....take a listen, and remember to pay attention to the details on the hillbilly games!

It's a great way to raise a little money and enjoy the splendor that is Muskegon down a fun river and among family and friends!  Take a break and take a float to benefit Cystic Fibrosis on the Hillbilly River Poker Run August 12th-13th!  Floating for a Cure!  What a way to spend a day

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