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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Alzheimer's Disease - An Informational Seminar Coming to Tanglewood Park in Muskegon August 11th

As my parents get older, the both seem to be in very good health for the most part but like any of our aging population...there is and always will be the thought that maybe Alzheimer's Disease will creep in and wipe out everything they remember from this life.  It's a scary proposition for anyone but the thought of watching someone slowly forget everything is about the worst thing imaginable.

It happens though....there's no cure for it and 5 million times a year in the US...some family hears that they have to learn to deal with it.  Well August 11th at Tanglewood Park on Seminole Road you'll have the opportunity to learn more about this dreadful disease from Dr. Bruno Giordani PH.D, who is the MADC Associate Director & Professor of Psychiatry Neurology and Psychology for the University of Michigan.  The program begins at 5pm with registration and refreshments followed by the talk from 6-8pm.  The seminar is free, but a $10 donation is appreciated.

If you're not familiar with Tanglewood's a resource for senior citizens here in Muskegon.  It's home to a number of services for our aging population.  You'll find Meals On Wheels, Life Circles, 211, and Senior Resources to name a few and you'll also find plenty of activity going on most any time.  It's in the old D&W store on Seminole Road and it's really an amazing re-purposing of the building that sat empty for a year or two after the store closed....then exploded back into life for our senior citizens!

I was invited to visit Tanglewood by Elizabeth Donnely - Johnson to learn more about the upcoming talk with Dr. Giordani, sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association.  Take a listen to our chat below.

Scary and serious stuff, I know.  The important thing is....that you collect the information you need and be ready.  Like many other medical problems...there are no real answers....and like many medical problems....can strike anyone.  There is no discrimination when it comes to this horrible disease.  If you'd like to know more, click on the Tanglewood Park logo below and my thanks to Elizabeth for taking the time to come on Positively Muskegon to share the upcoming event.

To reach the 24/7 help line call 1-800-272-3900

Click Here to Visit Tanglewood Park Online

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