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Friday, August 12, 2016

Special Report - HELP WANTED! Lighthouse Property Management Needs Workers

Here's a special report for Positively Muskegon!!  (Extra! Extra!  Read all about it!!)  (Snappy effects huh?)'s like this.  Workers are needed immediately in Muskegon to help Lighthouse Property Management revamp, revitalize and remodel the homes they are buying in Muskegon to provide affordable and well maintained homes for people who rent from them.

Visit Lighthouse PM Online
It all began early last Winter, Kathy Dennison Adrainse got a hold of me and wanted to hear a little more about Muskegon.  The view point from someone here every day minus the sensationalism in the news about the issues we face here.  We met up at the Cherokee Restaurant and talked for an hour, maybe an hour and a half and when things concluded, they got to work establishing a Muskegon office and buying properties that need a little TLC,  Once fixed rate housing for residents and a management company that puts their tenants first and the communities they work in....back on the right track!

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Here's the thing though....they need help!  Lighthouse Property Management needs workers!  Are you a handy man?  Are you a laborer?  Can your skills get to work to help clean up a house in short order, restore the beauty, mechanical's, amenities and hope that a home offers?  It's all hands on deck for Lighthouse Property Management and the need is immediate!

I had a chance to catch up with Kathy at the new Lighthouse Property Management office on Peck Street in Muskegon to find out exactly what kind of work they are looking for and the need for honest people to work on helping turn these houses and buildings around to help further Muskegon's ground swell of revitalization.  Take a listen to our chat below!

It's real!  These are quality jobs from a company that has made a commitment to seeing that when they come to town to operate....they do things the right way....for the right reasons and the long term goal of helping their tenants become home owners.  They are helping build community....they are helping improve property value and they are helping people realize the American Dream of one day owning their home.     Thanks to Kathy for her belief in Muskegon and her belief in reaching Muskegon through Positively Muskegon!

Click Here For The Contractor Open House FB Page

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