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Friday, August 19, 2016

Roll Out the Barrels - Muskegon Welcomes Back The Burning Foot Beer Festival!

"The Beer Tent Capital of the World"  I know the guy who came up with that was one of his first tasks when he came to town for a job years ago.  Handed a list of all the beer tents that needed radio banners hung....and seeing just how many of there were...the statement was made, the production department put a spin on it and it became a radio stations ID at the top of the hour....every hour!  Quite a way to celebrate a fun loving community.

To say the the "beer tent" is a thing of the past....well, we're not quite ready for that....but like anything, there is one constant...and that is change!

Today, the idea of solo cups stacked up 10 deep to prove your party prowess has given way to a cultured palate knowing the difference between an IPA, Double Bock, lagers, ales....honestly....I can't even keep up with what's all out there.  It's been a while since I have had a beer....let alone all of the new flavors, styles and accouterments....I'll leave that kind of thing to the experts!  Luckily....we've got some of those experts right here in town and we're getting ready to see them and some of their friends from around the Midwest at The Burning Foot Beer Festival August 27th at Pere Marquette Beach!

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54 breweries will be on hand with their fine craft beers.  They are coming from Michigan, Illinios and Wisconsin to share the fun of our pure beach and beautiful views.  They are going to have rustic comping this year along with some spots reserved for RV's if you'd like to take that route!   Live music?  Plenty of it from the likes of "Badfish - A Tribute to Sublime", Mustard Plug, Flexidecible and more!  If the beach, sand views, brews and music isn't enough....they are promising a "big ass bonfire" to boot!  Imagine the sunset over the lake surrounded by friends and some really tasty beer!

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Allen Serio was the guy I was told to talk to about more details on the event!  We were able to catch up down at Unruly Brewing and he gave me the 411 on what to expect at this great event!  Take a listen to our interview below!

There you have it.  The beer tents are still here, just on a bigger stage with a bit more of an artisan twist when it comes to the beverage offerings!  It's important to support events like Burning Foot Beer Festival.  They bring in new faces as well as flavors to Muskegon.  They are helping to restore our image and show people from outside of town what we already know....Muskegon is awesome, and always up for a good time.  Click on the Burning Foot logo below for info, tickets and more!

Burning Foot Beer Festival Online

Sponsor Message

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