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Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Red Kettle Campaign - Salvation Army is Heading Out

Fall has settled in and believe it or not....it's almost that time!  Bells will be ringing all over Muskegon and that familiar sound means that The Salvation Army is once again ushering in the holiday season with their annual Kettle Campaign.  Pennies, nickles and dimes add up when you walk past that friendly face outside your favorite retail outlet.  It not only makes you feel good, but it's also a very teachable moment for your kids to know they helped someone out.

Holidays In Downtown Muskegon
It seems that while we're hearing and seeing thing change...the need is still growing for those who have tailed off the charts as far as unemployment benefits....I mean, I believe things are improving....but it's going to take a while till everyone is up to speed and able to manage on their own.  There are those too, who for whatever reason need to learn how to make it on their own and the Salvation Army is there for those people with a hand with life's essentials while they get themselves planted.  Not only with the items they need to survive...but education and uplifting to realize that a bump in the road doesn't mean that it's the end.

We've been more than happy to share the stories of the work the Salvation Army does here in town.  The Kettle Campaign is certainly the signature of their fundraising, but we've also had them on to talk about Christmas in July, National Donut Day, and more.  The need of those served by the Salvation Army isn't a seasonal thing.

Get Tickets to Kettle Kickoff

Major Dan Sawka and Robin Henshaw invited me out to hear about the kick off of the Kettle Campaign which happens Sunday at the Muskegon Lumberjacks game.  Actually, you'll start seeing the bell ringers out tomorrow....but hey... let's kick it off in style at a game!  Take a listen to our chat and hear what's new this year and how you can help in more ways than one.

It's as simple as dropping some spare change in the Kettle when you walk by, or letting your kids do it.  I remember how important I felt when my mom would let me be the one dropping 50 cents in a kettle to do something good for someone I'd never meet.  Charity begins young and it's an important part of teaching compassion.  If you'd like to know more about the Kettle Campaign, The Angel Tree and the locations or the Thanksgiving meal program we talked about.....click on the picture below.   You'll be glad you paid it forward this year in any way you can do it.

Salvation Army Muskegon

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