Quality Tool and Stamping

Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Stand Up To Mental Illness - 2 Day Comedy Event in Fruitport and Muskegon December 9th and 10th

Let's start off by saying that we'll probably be talking about a few things that generally get swept under the rug.  The first being mental illness and the second.....well, not so much swept under the rug....but whispered about...and that's comedy that might be considered "blue".   How do the two play off each other?  Keep reading.

Stand Up to Mental Illness is a 2 day event coming up to raise a few bucks for mental health awareness and in return...you'll get treated to some pretty good stand up comedy, a variety of fundraiser auction items and a nice night out minus all the pomp and circumstance of the holidays.
Stand Up to Mental Illness on Facebook

Night one, will be at Popes Pub in Fruitport and from their Facebook page "Lingerie models and a silent auction with all kinds of naughty things to choose from. Not to mention, enough dirty jokes in one night to get you through the holiday season. This show is going to be highly inappropriate, because why shouldn't it be? Proceeds will go to The Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan."  If you're easily offended....you might want to skip this. :)

Popes Pub FB Page

Night two...will be at the Stray Cat Night Club and again from their Facebook page "Do you like tacos? Of course you do. Tacos are better for you than water, which is why we made it a point to have tacos and Tomales and nachos at our Saturday comedy show at the Stray Cat in Muskegon, MI. We have a stacked lineup of hilarious Comedians from around the state that you will not want to miss. Also, there will be tacos.

Stray Cat Nightclub on FB
We will also have giveaways that include tools from Home Depot, a Pandora Bracelet from Sanborn Jewelers, gift cards to Handsome Henry's and Station Grill, and Christmas Trees from Slocum Tree Farm more to come. We're not stopping there though. We will continue to update you on sponsors as we go. 

Lastly, there will be tacos at this event. Tacos are delicious and you should come and eat some. Why would you not? See you there!"

You get the idea I think.  Justin Chupp invited me to Popes Pub to talk a little more about the event and purpose.  Take a listen to our chat below.

It's a different twist on one of our favorite pass times here in Muskegon....a fund raiser!  So, if some comedy is your thing...or maybe you'd just like to have an evening out with some friends....keep in mind Stand up to Mental Illness happening on December 9th and 10th.  Congrats to Justin Chupp and crew for bringing a fun new event to Muskegon for such an important cause!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Muskegon Rescue Mission Serving Since 1907

 It's hard to imagine that we've had to have a Muskegon Rescue Mission here.....since 1907.

1907.  Think about that.  That means that even through the "best of times" post lumber era here in Muskegon there has been a need to help people who have found themselves in a situation that no one can really prepare for.  It doesn't take much and just about anyone can come to need a helping hand.

Find the Muskegon Rescue Mission on Facebook
Like many in town...I don't know the scope of the work that goes on by the Muskegon Rescue Mission.   I see the men's shelter on Laketon when I drive by.  I always think, "Well it's a good thing they are there." and I keep on going.  Sure, I understand they need much more attention than that so when Tim Lopez got a hold of me to visit and learn more, I got a little research going and snapped at the chance to learn more.

The Muskegon Rescue Mission is one of the oldest ministries in West Michigan.  They have 2 residential quarters for people.  They operate thrift stores to help fund their work.  They host special events to help raise funds to continue the work..Soup for Suits coming up in February and the Foreshore Adventure Run a little later in the Spring of 2017 are just a couple.  They hosted a free community Thanksgiving dinner at Muskegon High School recently and fed over 1000 people.  I can tell you this.  The work is never ending and the need continues to increase.  One thing that always makes me proud of Muskegon is the fact that no matter the circumstance, we find a way to help.

Back to that invite from Tim Lopez.  I worked with Tim and had kind of lost track of him until I heard that he's appearing in the 2017 Dancing With the Local Stars.  I had thought he moved I guess but then, to find out that the silence was just from the work he's taken on to help the Muskegon Rescue Mission.  Fair enough.  It's a tough job, so catching up was a great thing on many levels.  Take a listen to our chat below!

We don't fail each other in Muskegon.  Period!  If there ever was a community that looked out for those who need a hand it's Muskegon.  To know that for 107 years, the Muskegon Rescue Mission has not only survived but grown into the role it has... well, that's something to be pretty proud of.  If you'd like to know more or help out...click on the Muskegon Rescue Mission's logo below and visit their site!

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Celebrate New Year's Eve in Style in Muskegon With the Rockin' Oldies New Years Bash

What's to do this New Year's Eve?  Well, if you're in Muskegon you're in luck because there's going to be an elegant and fun affair that will not only give you a chance to indulge in great food and drink...you'll get a chance to enjoy some great entertainment in a classy and elegant atmosphere.  There's a fun theme to go along with the evening...The Rockin' Oldies!

Yes...it's time to get out the poodle skirt and blue suede shoes if you have them, or business casual to tuxedo's are welcome.

Get Tickets to the Rockin' Oldies NYE Party!
Mona Lake Productions is Bob Scolnik's "retirement job".  Bob started off with a tool truck route and built up his business over the years to where he came to own Muskegon Brake.  As time went on, the business was sold and Bob found himself not being able to sit still much.  He's a Muskegon County commissioner as well as show producer.  Not to mention, husband....father....grandfather and  mentor to many.  He's a tireless advocate for Muskegon and devoted to making life better around here.

A fan of elegant gatherings, Bob has put on some pretty good shindigs all over town.  This New Year's Eve it's Verdoni's new Event Center on Seminole Road.  You'll find a two entree  dinner from The Harris Group.  You'll great Hors d'oeuvres  a DJ warming up the show and then some featured entertainment with Mr. Quentin Flagg, 50's and 60's singer.. and The Whatabouts from Detroit.  Mr. Flagg is a performer who's taken his act all over the world and The Whatabouts concentrate on "girl group" songs of the 60's!  Thus....time to get out the poodle skirt for this great evening of fun to usher in 2017!

Bob found a couple of minutes to catch up with me and talk about his endeavors.  Take a listen to our chat below to find out more details about this grand event!

Fun!  For those who complain and say "There's never anything to do in Muskegon" well, her's your sign!  Take a break from the bar scene.  Get some tickets to a truly elegant evening of fun, memories and of course...community!  Enjoy the delicious menu....the great environment and walk away from a New Year's Eve you'll never forget!  My thanks to Mona Lake Productions for the sponsorship of the blog and putting on such a great event in Muskegon!

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Giving Back Christmas December 3rd in Muskegon - A Return Visit

Early on in the Positively Muskgon blog..we were still trying to find our legs.  What was to be the true theme of PM?  Should it be me observing and reporting?  Should it be commentary about life here?  Should it be a platform for more?

Lot's of things to think about.

Shop Downtown Muskegon Tomorrow
As I worked through the first few posts....I got an invite to come share a story about a group of mom's who were putting on an event at the VFW on Apple Avenue to give kids in the Wolf Lake area a chance to make a Christmas card for a soldier....wrap a present or two for their parents....decorate cookies, visit Santa etc.  So, off to Wolf Lake I went.

We sat huddled around a GoPro camera in Andrea Rosema's "she shed" which was really the corner of her garage, and we talked to the women putting this on.  We had a couple crashes of the backdrop...we were crammed in to get the shot, we ended up backing down to just Andrea and me....but we did it!  I have told everyone I've met that wondered about the blog all about this.  The impact this story had on me and the direction of it all.  A small happening in Muskegon that needed to count.  Here....take a look.

Last Years Story

A year later...they are back at it out in Wolf Lake for the neighborhood kids.  Andrea and friends are ready for the fun and the direction that this blog took from this very story defined what we'd be doing.  Finding people in Muskegon who take on tasks...large and small to make our community a better place.  It might be a powerful exec....might be a group of moms.....but they are all important to the fiber of our community.

Andrea invited me back out and I am proud to say that Giving Back Christmas is happening once again in Muskegon.  Take a listen to our talk about this years event at the Apple Ave VFW December 3rd.

They set out to have a fun event for kids....they ended up shaping the way that we'd tell our stories!  This is how community is built.  This is the way we make things happen.  It's the cumulative work of everyone that makes Muskegon what it is.  I went in thinking "I am shooting a story in a garage....".  I walked out knowing how important things that start off in garages are and how much the people in those garages make a difference in Muskegon.  Please help me in humbly thanking Andrea......join her at Giving Back Christmas December 3rd!  More details in the picture below!

Giving Back Christmas 2016

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Hamburger Mikey - Muskegon's Third Street Revival Continues

The growth of Muskegon and in particular the Downtown Area of Muskegon continues at a break neck pace.  People have been thrilled with the emergence of the breweries...restaurants.....and destinations on Western Avenue, but the pace is equally fast on Third Street in case you were not watching!

We're rapidly getting a hip little stretch of town!

Shop Downtown Muskegon Nov. 26th
You'll find Third Coast Vinyl, The Orphanage Tattoo shop and now....the once hallowed grounds known as The Ice Pick will be a fun, unique and tasty new destination.....and to be honest....the much whispered about Hamburger Mikey is opening!!

I'll be more than honest.  I never went to the Ice Pick.  I have heard all the stories and recognize too that that spot had to be something awesome!  Enter Hamburger Mikey.

Hamburger Mikey on Facebook

Mike and Mary Jane Burling bought the building a few years ago and they decided on simplicity.  You can get a Mikey burger with a single meat patty or a Fat Mikey which is 2 burger patties...completely fresh and with an array of toppings for you to choose from.  Throw in some fresh cut fries....and boom!  You've got the menu....well, with a grilled cheese option for vegetarians.  The Meat Block of Muskegon is the source for their beef....so....now, we're growing 2 Muskegon Business'!

The pace has been deliberate to get to the doors open....some have been chomping at the bit to make it happen quicker.  Who doesn't want a fun concept of a restaurant in town?  Muskegon has been begging for unique places that we can call our own and watch grow!  We've been waiting for that new "must have" stop in town.  Not to say that we don't already have exquisite restaurants, but the image alone of a hamburger take out restaurant, locally owned with it own spin on food....who can pass that up?

I was able to catch up with Tim Taylor and Mikey himself at Hamburger Mikey's for myself to talk about the process, the concept and the hopes for a long term. ultra cool spot on Third Street that will continue the growth and maybe bring a new face or two in!  Take a listen to our chat below!

I'll tell ya...it's a great thing watching Muskegon unfold!  People are not giving up and the narrative...well, it's changing.  It's the effort of so many great people who are able to look past "what was" and say "what could that be?"  Areas of town that sat empty for years are finding new life....and people are digging it!  All the best to Hamburger Mikey!  Make sure you get down there and enjoy a burger or two!  If you're part of the Watch Us Go hub bub...good for you!!  Act on it and let's welcome Hamburger Mikey!  Now....how bout a look at a burger?

Mercy Health Project

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Meet a Young Man Who's Got His Eye On the Spotlight in Muskegon

In any line of work, I think that the desire to pass on what you know is a key to maintaining the "balance" of what you do and why.

When I was young....I was very fortunate to have found mentors in pretty much the elite of the West Michigan broadcasting business.  I can honestly say that it wasn't always easy and that most of my lessons were about having thick enough skin to make it in the biz.

As time shifted and it became me that had the experience and background in the business....I always did what I could to help younger people develop, grow and understand just what a life in broadcasting is.  To me, the lesson always was.. "If you get this right...you'll see that being in broadcasting is a gift...it's a chance to communicate with a LOT and the ability to use that influence to make things better for one or many."  All the while, you also have the opportunity that no paycheck can ever pay for.  You've got the access no one else does..you get opportunities to meet people you only read about in books or see on TV.  Practiced responsibly being "out front" can add to a very rich existence and where you might now be a millionaire because of it...the ride is pretty remarkable.

As time has gone on, and the "good old days" of broadcasting are becoming more and more distant in the rear view....that desire doesn't really change, and when you see a spark in someone's eye....well, you can't help but want to see if the tiny bit of knowledge you've picked up along the way can continue on.

I first met Trevor Hilson when his dad introduced me to him.  What a spark.  Bright young man, really outgoing and happy in his surroundings.  He always made it a point to come up and say hi at a hockey game....bring some friends by to say "I know Andy O...watch this" and to be honest...even though I can't really see the thrill in meeting me....I remember too what a big deal it was to me to be able to brag up the fact I worked with Rick Beckett or Aris Hampers....or Mike Tinnes.....Tom Robinson....Danny Douglas...... you get the idea.

Street Cred!
A few months ago, Trevor came up to me at a fundraiser and presented me his card!  At first I kind of giggled...but as he talked...I saw it.  "I'm announcing at football games....basketball games....school announcements..."  I saw it!  My replacement is coming down the pipe :)  Do I fear him....or do I do the right thing and give him what I have?  Choice was pretty clear.

Called up the kids parents and said I have an idea.....let's introduce him to Muskegon.  So, without further adieu......Mr. Travor Hilson....announcer!

How bout that for some excitement?  I'll tell ya... at Trevor's age.... the future is limitless.  I guess time will tell if he sticks it out in the "broadcasting" field...or maybe life takes him in a different direction....on thing is for sure....if he needs a hand, I'll give it.  I hope too over time....that he can add a little perspective of Muskegon as the "Positively Muskegon Kids Beat" reporter.  This blog was started so that ALL of us in Muskegon could have a voice...and the most important part of that voice is the future of it....I think it's pretty safe to assume that the future is in pretty good hands with Trevor Hilson.

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dancing With the Local Stars Muskegon Reveals This Years Cast

Dancing With the Local Stars is a big deal.  A REALLY big deal and it's become one of the fastest growing and most impressive charity events in Muskegon.  It's an event 9 years old and the amount of money raised for local food banks is staggering.    In 8 years $629,000 dollars have gone to help those who would otherwise go without.  That's over HALF A MILLION DOLLARS!


Shop Downtown Muskegon Saturday the 26th
The event is sponsored by the Women's Division Chamber of Commerce in Muskegon and it's only one element of some of the things they put on.  We've visited with them about Dancing With the Local Stars as well as Downtown Dancing, the Trinkets and Treasures sale at the Folkert Community Hub...the list goes on and on and the impact in Muskegon is big.

Apply Here to Be a Beneficiary

As we gear up for the event itself that happens Feb 23rd- 25th at the Holiday Inn Downtown, there are a couple of things that need to happen.  1st, the area food pantries need to apply to be a beneficiary of the event.  Second... we need to know who this years "Local Stars" are and who they're paired up with to cut a rug with a "Latin Flair" this year!!

I was invited by Christina Fecher who's the publicity co-chair to Tanglewood Park to find out more details and to be part of the "big reveal" of this years cast!!  We were joined by event co-chairs Mary Kendall who is the chair of the event.  Take a listen to find out more below!

A big deal....getting bigger and the amount of people impacted by the funds raised is beyond measure when it comes to taking care of our own.  The Women's Division Chamber of Commerce is something to be very proud of in Muskegon is you are a member or just a participant in all their activities!   Start planning now for the great time to be had in February and if your organization could use a hand from the incredible generosity of the WDCC click on the DWTLS picture above and apply!

The 2017 Cast of Dancing With the Local Stars

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Holidays in the City -Small Business Saturday in Downtown Muskegon November 26th

I try not to wax too nostalgic about things around Muskegon.  Sure, I've been here nearly 20 years now, but my days began about the time the Muskegon Mall came down and I have had the chance to see everything happen since.  It's been a very unique situation to watch our Downtown Muskegon change.  I remember my first boss telling me to spend time at the Muskegon Mall to get the vibe of the city....and that vibe.....well, let's just say I went there once.

Since 2001... Downtown Muskegon has slowly...too slowly for some, but it's slowly carved it's own little niche.  A couple of small events like pub crawls led to a couple of bigger events like Bike Time and Rebel Road.  A parade or two popped up....along came a couple shops, restaurants and breweries.  We kept the anchors of Downtown Muskegon with the LC Walker Arena and Frauenthal Center and added a new re-purposed retail space or two... there are a couple distilleries on the way and then the big one...the new Muskegon Farmers Market!  Folks....we have our beloved Downtown Muskegon back!

We've got a central point now.  A gathering place!  It might be a First Friday...might be a pub crawl, Lumberjacks game or Frauenthal event, no matter the occasion, Downtown Muskegon is our central point again.  What better place to usher in the holiday season among friends, neighbors and local merchants.  Holidays in the City Small Business Saturday is celebrated Downtown Muskegon and it surrounded by events designed for everyone!  You'll find plenty of unique shopping places, entertainment, carolers, a chance to visit Santa, the wonderful event of lighting up Hackley Park for the season and most of all....you'll find community!

You'll find a place where you belong and you should feel very much at home, because you are!

It's a big effort on the part of many, but one of the central players in the game is Ellen Berends of Downtown Muskegon Now.  Ellen took a few minutes our of her day to join me for a little chat about the goings on.  Take a listen!!

There is so much to be proud of in Downtown Muskegon and I'll tell you why.  We've grown at a very steady pace and it's been very typical of Muskegon.  We've had some big players come along to help, but we have yet to find that "mega donor" that plunks down the money for a convention center, or new hospital or whatever....those things are all great and very much appreciated....but we're doing just what Muskegon does....going at our own pace and watching our new Downtown continue to evolve.  It's such a great feeling from watching the "old mall" come down to see the new revitalized heart of the city...and it's a heart that beats strong and welcomes everyone!  Much to be proud of Downtown Muskegon and many deserve a pat on the back.  Shop Small on Saturday November 26th.  Our thanks for Downtown Muskegon for their sponsorship of the Positively Muskegon blog!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Help Local Police and Fire at the 911 Holiday Blood Drive in Muskegon

Getting to be about that time of year again.  You hear bells ringing outside stores....there's a chill in the air...might be a little time away at deer camp....or you might be enjoying a little while someone else is at deer camp....Fall in Michigan has all kinds of great things involved with it!

It's also a time to remind you the need for all of us in Muskegon to protect the blood supply!

Shop Downtown Muskegon Nov 26th
I have been a blood donor since I was able to donate.  It's essential to our community to keep a healthy blood supply on hand because at a moments notice....life can change and a blood transfusion is a matter of life and death.  I also know that to a lot of people the thought of needles and blood....well, let's just say it's not for everyone, and that's ok.  However....if you do donate, or have thought of it...there is usually a group somewhere in town doing what they can to make sure that our supply doesn't dwindle.

Who better to organize a Holiday Blood Drive than our local police, fire and central dispatch workers.  After all, they are usually part of the scene when that immediate need for blood presents itself.  The FOP, IAFF and Muskegon Central Dispatch have all come together to ask you to roll up your sleeve on November 23rd....the day before Thanksgiving....which is only a week away  (holy cow! only a week till Thanksgiving).  You'll find the blood drive happening at "The Corner" which is located at 280 W. Muskegon Ave.  It the same lot as the Red Cross in Muskegon but, it's a much bigger space to meet the demand.

911 Holiday Blood Drive on Facebook
Brain Harris recently retired from his job as a Muskegon County Police Officer and now works part time at the Norton Shores Police....but like so many in Muskegon, Brain continues to try and find ways to make things happen around town.  I had a chance to catch up with him at the NSPD to get the details and incentives to get you out to the blood drive on November 23rd.  .

It's important.  The holidays get really busy and the blood supply sees it's highest need at the same time.  It's a simple problem to fix however, take a few minutes to stop in to 280 W. Muskegon Ave on November 23rd and pay it forward a little for everyone in the community and it won't cost you a penny.  You'll find something great to eat...maybe win a prize, but most importantly you'll walk away knowing you did something for someone who'll never know that you gave them the gift of life...and a chance to celebrate one more Christmas.  That my friends is a Christmas miracle!  Thanks to Brian Harris for his never ending commitment to Muskegon.  Sorry bout the handshake at the end man!  :)

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

The Muskegon Jaycees - Out of the Ashes and Back on Top

Organizations come and go.  If you look back over the years you'll see that groups like the ALAC (Knights Templar Ladies Auxiliary) or maybe the AUSS (American Union of Swedish Singers) may have served a higher purpose at one point in time.  Some organizations continue to be elemental... The Eagles Club, The Moose Lodge... they are all still going.  In Muskegon...one of these organizations is having an incredible comeback!

Shop Downtown Muskegon
For 80 years the Muskegon Jaycees have been working on improving Muskegon with their work, their networking and their never ending desire to develop future leaders in business, community and personally.  A chance to meet other young professionals to share resources....ideas....mutual benefits and from time to time and then and again...maybe just a good old fashioned party!

As time went by, the local chapter of the Jaycees kind of had the wind fall out of it's sails.  People aged out..you can only be a Jaycee until you turn 41, ideas felt crusty and membership dipped dangerously low.  So low in fact the Muskegon Jaycees we under the minimum number to retain their charter.

Muskegon Jaycees on Facebook

Have no fear though!  There was a former Jaycee that was lured out of "retirement" to light the fire once again and get the gears turning.  To be honest...out of all the people I know here in Muskegon to light that fire again... Kris Collee.  She's second to none when it comes to passion...drive and purpose when it comes to all things Muskegon and her history with the Jacycees is incredible.   Job changes and making room for a family took her away from the Jaycees for a bit....but she's back and so are the Jaycees!  Take a listen to our chat below!!

There you have it!  It's a remarkable organization and they get things done around town!  It might be some of the more notable fun things like Snowfest or it might be just the chance for you to meet with others to learn, grow and be a part of a very community minded organization.  Develop your skills....develop relationships and see that you're not alone when it comes to wanting better for Muskegon!  The Jaycees are looking for you!  If you'd like more information... click on their logo below!

Muskegon Jaycees Online

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Muskegon Idol - The Winner Is Shavon Paggett

It's time to celebrate!!  We've got a winner in town and who knows...maybe someday we'll be counting her name among the other famous people from Muskegon!

On November 12th the Muskegon Idol competition took place at the Frauenthal Center where 25 semi-finalists were invited to showcase their talents and compete for some pretty nice prizes.

It was the culmination of a lot of work put in by 103.7 The Beat and M-106.  Both locally owned and operated radio stations.

The contest was loosely based on what you see on any given TV network, but the local spin on things gave people in the area not only a chance to see how they stack up against other talented people...but a chance to perform on on of Muskegon's most revered stages, The Frauenthal Center.

Holidays Downtown Muskegon
There were a couple of qualifying events, one was at The Lakes Mall and the other was held at Dreamers Night Club Downtown  Muskegon.  There were finalists from both events competing at the Frau for the grand prize and the pool of talent sure didn't disappoint.   There were singers, musicians, dancers, rappers....country music....rock, rhyme...you name it.  It was truly an effort to show off the talents in Muskegon that might otherwise go unnoticed.

I personally was a preliminary judge the night the event was held at Dreamers and was floored by the awesome display of talent.  Young and old....individuals, groups, family and friends competed and the decisions were tough.  I even had to refrain from voting on a coupe of people who I knew from outside the competition.  One that I had to refrain from voting on I worked with at the Folkert Community Hub.  As it turns out, she didn't need my vote anyway.

Shavon Paggett is a behavior analyst at the HGA Support Services and she works daily with kids who have Autism and need a hand with learning to or improving their words.  Some kids are non verbal and need some help before they head in to school, some are school age and still need the support to get ahead a little.  It's a trying, yet rewarding job for those involved....it takes a lot of patience and teamwork to help these kids.  What didn't take a lot of team work was Shavon's performance.  I had never heard her sing until the night of the contest...but when I did, out came a soulful and beautiful voice and I was blown away.  To me, it was the perfect ending to a contest looking to find someone who truly deserves to be recognized past the daily 9 to 5 life and a "hidden talent" was shown!

I had a chance to catch up with Shavon and talk about the experience, take a listen to our chat below!!

It was a big win for Shavon, but I see it as a much bigger win for Muskegon.  You had truly local radio stations showcasing talent that might otherwise not be seen.  That talent was given the equal opportunity to advance in the competition and ultimately....perform on a stage that is beyond "historic".   The spotlight shown on Shavon and the 24 other finalists and we got a better look at ourselves....and what we can do in the process!!  To me.. THAT is community building.  Congrats to the winners...participants and sponsors for being part of a truly gifted community of great people!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Red Kettle Campaign - Salvation Army is Heading Out

Fall has settled in and believe it or not....it's almost that time!  Bells will be ringing all over Muskegon and that familiar sound means that The Salvation Army is once again ushering in the holiday season with their annual Kettle Campaign.  Pennies, nickles and dimes add up when you walk past that friendly face outside your favorite retail outlet.  It not only makes you feel good, but it's also a very teachable moment for your kids to know they helped someone out.

Holidays In Downtown Muskegon
It seems that while we're hearing and seeing thing change...the need is still growing for those who have tailed off the charts as far as unemployment benefits....I mean, I believe things are improving....but it's going to take a while till everyone is up to speed and able to manage on their own.  There are those too, who for whatever reason need to learn how to make it on their own and the Salvation Army is there for those people with a hand with life's essentials while they get themselves planted.  Not only with the items they need to survive...but education and uplifting to realize that a bump in the road doesn't mean that it's the end.

We've been more than happy to share the stories of the work the Salvation Army does here in town.  The Kettle Campaign is certainly the signature of their fundraising, but we've also had them on to talk about Christmas in July, National Donut Day, and more.  The need of those served by the Salvation Army isn't a seasonal thing.

Get Tickets to Kettle Kickoff

Major Dan Sawka and Robin Henshaw invited me out to hear about the kick off of the Kettle Campaign which happens Sunday at the Muskegon Lumberjacks game.  Actually, you'll start seeing the bell ringers out tomorrow....but hey... let's kick it off in style at a game!  Take a listen to our chat and hear what's new this year and how you can help in more ways than one.

It's as simple as dropping some spare change in the Kettle when you walk by, or letting your kids do it.  I remember how important I felt when my mom would let me be the one dropping 50 cents in a kettle to do something good for someone I'd never meet.  Charity begins young and it's an important part of teaching compassion.  If you'd like to know more about the Kettle Campaign, The Angel Tree and the locations or the Thanksgiving meal program we talked about.....click on the picture below.   You'll be glad you paid it forward this year in any way you can do it.

Salvation Army Muskegon

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