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Thursday, March 30, 2017

How 2 Local Photographers Are Setting Out to Help With Senior Pictures in Muskegon

Do you remember back when you had your senior pictures taken?  It was a BIG deal for me and I was insistent that they were done by a certain studio.....I agreed to the coat and tie thing for one pic option, but the rest were going to be in comfortable clothes and reflect who I thought I was.  Yes...that means most of the pictures had me in a beer t-shirt.  :)
Today, the sky is the limit on senior photos...but sometimes, the finances are a little higher than the sky.

Rustic Enchantment on Facebook

People have to choose what they can spend on things.  It's tough when a family has to decide what's going to get spent on the "extras".  To some the idea of a portrait session is the only way to commemorate a life milestone.  To others, it might mean that they have to settle for some pictures taken out in the back yard by a friend or neighbor, and there's nothing wrong with that either.

Well, I was asked by a couple local professional photographers if I would be interested in hearing their idea.  Sure...always good to hear ideas.  I met Gabrielle Butterfield and Heather Parker to find out what they had in mind.  It's a pretty cool idea!  Gabrielle and Heather are looking for 4 students who need senior pics done!

Parker Photography on Facebook

It's not just free pictures though.  What they are looking for are exceptional students who go above and beyond for their own education, their school, community family and friends.  They are looking to help them out by offering free portrait sessions to the lucky 4 with clothing changes, locations and the whole thing.

This is meant to give a hand to someone who might otherwise go without, and while a nice set of senior pictures isn't exactly a necessity in life, it's a remarkable moment when kids become young adults and begin to start to spread their wings and get ready to fly on their own.

After hearing their idea, we met up again, this time at the Shoreline Inn to talk a little about what they hope to do and why they are doing it!  Take a listen to out chat below.

Amazing what people can do to not only share their talent, but to help those who might not be afforded the chance to have an occasion like their senior pictures done.  If you'd like to submit your story to them CLICK HERE and it will take you to an email link to share your story!  Many thanks to these gals for a handful of their time and talent.

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