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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Habitat For Humanity of Muskegon County Helping People Own Homes

You may see the few stores around town that are Habitat For Humanity ReStore.  Have you ever stopped in to one?  Well, you'll find lot's of things for your home that have been reclaimed, re-purposed and you'll find that the price of all of the stuff is at a fraction of the cost of what you might pay retail.  I mean honestly, all of the aforementioned is the proper way of saying they have cool stuff that won't cost much!  But, did you know, there's a much higher purpose?

Muskegon County Habitat For Humanity
The Muskegon County Habitat for Humanity is a global organization with it's boots on the ground right here in Muskegon county.  Their work not only includes the ReStore, they also work to build or restore homes for people who might otherwise never know the feeling of pride that comes with owning your own home!  Moderate to low income people sometimes struggle, believe me when I tell you....it's a feeling I understand.

In Muskegon County, Habitat for Humanity works to provide 2-5 homes a year for their program participants.  It's by no means a chance to "get a free house".  There are a list of commitments that have to be made, there's an element of sweat equity that comes along with the chance to own a home and there is also an extensive screening process.  Back the the "free house" thing..there is a tailored mortgage when it's all said and done.  In as much as it would be nice to be able to give a home to anyone, but to be able to give them the tools and skills to know how to own and manage a home is a very big part of the entire process.  This is a program of building people...building homes and building communities.

Habitat for Humanity is also a great platform to volunteer for.  You can volunteer as an individual, group or organization.  Some companies go as far as to put a days work on hold so their employees can take a chance to have a hand in such a dramatic impact in their community.  If you have some construction skills, can help run one of the stores, even chances to cut grass.  More hands are always needed and you will truly have a feeling of doing something great deep inside you.

I was invited down to learn a little more about Habitat for Humanity in Muskegon by Claire Root-Benson. We met up in their office on Ottawa Street in Muskegon to hear about Habitat as well as some very special fundraising events coming up.  Take a listen to our chat below.

Growing up, I never imagined I'd be able to buy a home.  It happened.  I happened to find my perfect home right where I belong here in town.  I have put down my roots, I have watched them spread and I have taken the active roles in my community to do what I can to help out.  I think that everyone should have the same opportunity.  I think that the pride in owning your own home is a starting block to making your own life amazing beyond belief and the work of Habitat For Humanity is giving others that very same chance.  To learn more about Habitat For Humanity in Muskegon County, click on their logo below.

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