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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Boys and Girls Club of The Lakeshore Has a Year End Tell-A Thon Coming Up

The Boys and Girls Club of The Lakeshore is having an's having a huge impact and it continues to grow.  We jumped on board with their message as soon as we could here on Positively Muskegon because the simple truth is this.  All of the "Watch Us Go" stuff and "This Is Muskegon" hub bub is great....but the next generation of people in Muskegon is essential.

Follow The Boys and Girls Club on Facebook

They need to know that the work we are doing now is important...and they they are valued...they need to know that belief was put into them and that returning it to the community will be their job someday.

The Boys and Girls Club of The Lakeshore put roots down in 2015 and has effected hundreds of kids already.  Their reach and work is a long term project, but the immediate results are already showing results.  They are building our future...our next leaders and business people and community members.

You can have a hands on role.  The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakeshore is having a year end "Tell-A-Thon".  How can you help?  Well, answering the phone will help if you're called.  A few bucks toward the cause is appreciated...but there's another way.

The Boys and Girls Club of the Lakeshore can use some hands on deck to assist the kids in the program making those calls!  Can you spend an hour or two helping a young person learn?  Do you have some sales experience that you'd like to pass along?  It's short notice....that's for sure, so take a listen to my chat with Dakota Crow to learn a little more.

It's pretty simple.  We have to invest in our kids.  We have to let them know that there is a foundation for them here....there's community pride here and above all, there is opportunity for them here.  It begins with's passed to the next generation.  Please, help with the Tell-A-Thon if you can.  If it's not the right when you can.  Great Futures Start Here!  You can click on the image below and get signed up to help.

Sign Up to Pitch In on the Tell-A-Thon

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