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Monday, December 12, 2016

Celebrate the Trail of Lights This Holiday Season in Holton

How do you turn one of the biggest haunted attractions in West Michigan into one of the most endearing holiday strolls?  Well, you start of with a little snow....maybe add some holiday cheer and hot chocolate...and keep the purpose behind it pure!

Three years ago, the Trail of Terror in Holton got reworked for Christmas and the tradition continues!

Trail Of Light on Facebook
After having success year after year with the Trail of Terror in Holton, Shawn and Buffy Murphy decided to give the idea just a little twist and see if they could turn screams into laughter and togetherness for families at the holidays!  It's all there for a purpose too.  Proceeds go to help area non profits and a very important part of their family.. the Dakota Dean Murphy scholarship find.

Dakota was lost in a car accident.  He had a huge role in the Trail of Terror with his friends from school and his parents. They took the time to explain to all of the young people the trail the importance of teamwork....customer service....pride in workmanship and performance....they built a true team in the cast of the Trail.  They also stressed purpose...and to give back to the community.

For those with a vested role in the Trail.... the Christmas Light Stroll was an important part of the healing process.'s still part of that healing process...I don't know that the loss of a child can be mended in anyway...but the team that was built.... they stuck together to do a little something to remember and carry on.

I had a chance to catch up with Buffy Murphy to talk about year 3 and what you can expect this coming weekend if you head out for the stroll. Take a listen to our chat below,

It's a nice way to enjoy the great outdoors and a little holiday cheer!  It's nice too that Old Man Winter cooperated with us this year so a nice blanket of snow will be down for the brisk walk through the woods!  Enjoy some family time away from the TV, the Snapchats, Twitter's and Facebooks.  Bring your family out to enjoy the stroll in Holton!  You'll be glad you did.  More details in the photo below!

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