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Friday, December 9, 2016

Muskegon Heights Lights The Community Christmas Tree Monday

As 2016 tapers off, there is one thing that can't be mistaken.  It's been the year of the Heights.

What remarkable steps have been taken in the Heights.  From community clean up days, The 2000 Man March, the return of Little League, The Heights Tigers Marching Band making strides in coming back.  A new mayor, a new city manager and a renewed sense of belonging.  We've proudly covered the stories..and here's a real worm fuzzy.

The Muskegon Heights Community Christmas Tree is going to be lit Monday at 6:30.

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It's that "Whoville" moment in any community.  It's also been missing for a number of years and as Muskegon Heights heads into 2017 I am here to tell's with a new outlook....the right team in place and a lot of plans to help usher in the "new normal" that is continuing to grow in the city.  Kim Simms role as Mayor has been impact-full, Jake Eckholm is a young City Manager with a clean slate of ideals and expectations...and there is plenty of optimism between them both.
The event will take place outside City Hall immediately after the Muskegon Heights City Council meeting Monday evening.

You are going to find some light refreshments like hot chocolate and treats.  You'll hear singing....a band....there's going to be a nice bonfire...and you'll find a "City of Friendly People".

I was able to catch up with Jake this morning at The Coffee Factory to hear the details.  You might hear some background ambiance...but when your news studio is a coffee shop and the word is this tell the story how you can.  Take a listen to out chat below.

This has been a very exciting year for the Heights. I have to admit....I have been moved to tears more than once to watch the neighborhood come together.....stand shoulder to shoulder....invite people in and to think that they are no longer willing to allow others perceptions of the community rule's breathtakingly amazing.  I have to admit too....that I stood on the sidelines too long...I didn't make the first steps I should of by getting to know more people there...but now that I have....I am very grateful.  I am very excited about the possibilities of "The New Normal" and I think everyone around town should make the effort....for this one night to fill that yard at Muskegon Heights City hall and let's truly be one!

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