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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Help MATS and MARC Stuff The Bus in Muskegon December 9th

You're hearing the bells....the temps are dropping and if you're paying attention....your calendar now says December!

Muskegon loves the holidays and yes...there are plenty of opportunities to do your part to help those who may otherwise go without.

There are many options...but MATS and MARC have a chance to be part of something a little BIGGER!

MATS Online
MATS stands for Muskegon Area Transit System and MARC stands for Muskegon Area Regional Connections.  Yes...our public transportation system is in a festive holiday mood and they are hoping to get a hand from Muskegon area people to help assure that kids this holiday season have a reason to celebrate when it comes to Christmas.

Stuff the Bus is happening at the Herman Ivory Terminal Downtown Muskegon!  Bring a new, unwrapped toy for kids 8-18 to help the Toys for Tots drive in Muskegon this year to the "Morris Street Lot" on Friday December 9th from 7am-11am.  If last years event is representative of this'll find lot's of incentives to help out!

The Community always comes together this time of year...and I'll tell you....I love talking up the way we make sure that our next generation is seen after by the kindness of strangers.  That kindness should be enough....but....they will have some pretty cool goodies for giveaway

Corey Davis was able to join me at the MATS office again this year to talk about MATS community outreach as well as the specifics about the "goods" they have rustled up to lure you down to help out a little!  Take a listen to our chat below!

I love Muskegon.  I love that even our public transportation steps up to assure that at Christmas...we flex out collective muscle to make a difference for kids who would go without.  Regardless of the situation, kids deserve a day a year to think life offers so much more....just a sprinkle of magic for them.  I love being able to share the stories!  This is what makes Muskegon so incredibly special!  Stop down and drop off a toy for some kid you'll probably never meet....but you'll make a lasting impact on their life knowing them came from a community who cared!

What's it Cost to Ride a MATS bus?  Find out here!

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