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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Muskegon Museum of Art - Ever Evolving Inspiration

Muskegon.  Long known for a good party, being a hockey town and of course...the perfect destination for a day at the beach...that's kind of how some see it in Muskegon, but there's so much more than that when it comes to arts and culture.  Is the Muskegon Museum of Art the best kept secret among all the other options in town?  It might just be!

June 21st of 1912 is when the Muskegon Museum of Art celebrated the grand opening and dedication, to world wide acclaim and has since maintained it's own collection of art while bringing in travelling exhibits and special programming which covers all aspects of culture!  Flash forward to 1979 and the museum added a $1.6 million dollar expansion to continue it's growth and ability to bring beautiful and thought provoking art to the area.

Follow The Museum on Facebook
Still today, the Muskegon Museum of Art takes great pride in being the envy of many art galleries around the country and Judith Hayner, the Executive Director of the Museum takes great pride in the past, present and future of the museum.  I stopped in to talk a little about the history of the museum and what's coming up by way of travelling exhibits.  Take a listen to out chat below!

Young, old and everyone in between should take time to appreciate art.  It's especially important for youth to understand what goes in to fine art and how arts and culture impact lives.  To know that it's all right here in Muskegon is a great thing and that exposure to such treasures is right here in town.

There is a full schedule of events listed on the Muskegon Museum of Art's website, you can find it by clicking on the link below.  Take the time to tour the museum.  Make an adventure out of it for your kids, or maybe see if you have time to volunteer to be a part of the "behind the scenes" action at the museum.  It's amazing to have such cultural riches right here in Muskegon!

Muskegon Museum of Art's Website!

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