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Monday, February 15, 2016

Nearly 50 Years Of The Mission for Area People in Muskegon

For nearly 50 years in Muskegon, the Mission for Area People has served those in the community who are in need of assistance with food, clothing, education, bills and more.  I'd be willing to bet tho, unless you've needed their services, you might have never heard of them.  The hope is you never will, but if you do....they have been steadily been taking care of Muskegon for almost half a century.

2017 will mark the 50th anniversary of Mission for Area People making sure that if there is a need, somehow it's met.  Diana Stubbs is the director of M.A.P. and has been there for a while.  I stopped by their place today to let Diana tell her story and how she came to run this incredible organization and how the community has together met the needs of so many.

Follow M.A.P. on Facebook

You'll find M.A.P. at 2500 Jefferson in Muskegon Heights, tucked in the corner of the Temple United Methodist Church.  They have a food bank, clothing bank, classes about nutrition and meal planning and just about anything anyone would need should they find themselves unable to sustain themselves or their family.

It's a monumental effort put forth by so many and the need as you can imagine is ever growing.
Diana and I had a chance to get together and talk a little about M.A.P. Take a listen to the interview below.

Mission For Area People is another amazing organization who believes in making sure that no one in town who need a hand, or maybe a little better direction in life has the chance to get it.  It's a tough job but to know Diana is there looking out for the greater good is certianly part of what makes Muskegon such a remarkable place.  There isn't much fanfare, there isn't much glory...but the sustained belief in better is in everything they do.  You can learn more at their website below!!

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