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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Career Day at Mona Shores Middle School

It's always been a treat to be invited to speak at a school when it's time to talk about careers and the future.  Believe it or not, it's probably one of the most rewarding part of a media career to be able to share some of the knowledge and experience and give a young mind a hint of what is in store for them if they choose to follow in the path you're there to speak about.  One thing is for sure, it really doesn't hurt to be able to get them to participate and be a part of the lesson instead of just siting there.

I was invited to Mona Shores Middle School by Carol Mogdis to talk a little about how I got started in media as an intern, the path it took me to get to be on the air, a music director, program director and now running a blog that's out to show the better sides of all things Muskegon.  Question were asked, information was shared as were a few things from "behind the scenes" about media, media production and ways to connect with an audience.  Yes, we talked about the need for good English, public speaking, writing and credibility.  As the sessions wrapped up, we talked a little bit about meeting rock stars and movie stars, what's career day without some fun right?

Below, we took a short video of each session with a live audience to find out from some of the kids in class what life is like in the 8th grade.  What future plans will be and give them a chance to be the stars of the show.

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