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Sunday, February 14, 2016

Muskegon Welcomes Hometown Giving - Shop Local and Give Back Local

It's a never ending need.  You want to help your favorite charitable causes and you want to shop at local business and support friends and neighbors making a living on their own.  What if you could do both at the same time?   Well, Hometown Giving might be just the program for you!

From their website - "Hometown Giving is an online community revolutionizing the way people stay in touch with family, friends and their hometowns while supporting their local charities, non-profits and businesses"

Sound like something good to you?  We kind of thought so too.  There will be a kick off event for Hometown Giving at the Watermark 920 Monday February 29th to introduce you to the people behind the scenes st Hometown Giving and a chance to learn how local business and charitable events can work together for the benefit of all.  It will be a nice evening with food from Fatty Lumpkins a cash bar and a lot of info.  We of course want to get the work out about the event and the possibilities so, we sat down with Cameron Clark at The Coffee Factory a couple weeks in advance to learn a little about the program and get you some info ahead of time.  Have a listen to our chat below!

If you'd like to know more about Hometown Giving click on their logo below.  If you have a non profit that can benefit or, a business that would like to participate, make sure you head down to the event Monday Feb 29th and be a part of something great for business, great for charity and great for Muskegon!!

Cameron spoke of  Check them out at the link below!

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