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Monday, February 29, 2016

Independent Films in Muskegon at Cinema Carousel!

Pop Quiz!!  What do "Grosse Point Blank", "Roger and Me", "The Terminator" and "Reservoir Dogs" all have in common?

They were ALL "independent films".  "Indie Films" tend to attract a little bit more of a discerning audience depending on the topic, or maybe it's a viewpoint from another angle, with someone with a completely viewpoint on how things are...or were.  The blockbusters are fun...but the movies that make us think are another whole layer to entertainment.

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Muskegon is really lucky to have Cinema Carousel and their independent films running.  Would you like to be a part of Michael Moore movie just to have something to fume about (or mock depending on your views on Michael Moore)?  How about a foreign film?  Maybe a genre that you're not familiar with AT ALL?Challenge yourself.   Get out and see something different and have a very "Big City - Art Film" kind of evening!!

Tom Bitson and I caught up at the Plaza 1&2 (love that old place) today and we talked a little bit about the series, some of the titles you can see and why it's important once in a while to get out of your comfort zone and see something that might just expand your mind a little!  Have a listen to our chat below!

Here's a link to Cinema Carousel's page and the Indie Film Series.  Head out for some high brow entertainment right here in Muskegon!

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