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The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lakeside Emporium of Muskegon. A Timeless Treasure

If our tourism in Muskegon was based solely on people coming to visit shops that cater to almost every single emotion, all we'd have to do is have a sign pointing toward Lakeside and Lakeside Emporium.  The sights, sounds and service are all pure joy.  Ice cream, candy, caramel corn, exotic soft drinks and home made fudge and other items all combine to help live up to their slogan, "Purveyors Of All Things Pleasant".

I stopped in to the Lakeside Emporium to talk to Gary and Laureen Samples about their store, how things got started and what their business philosophy is and how they take such incredible care of their customers be it regular customers or someone coming in for the fist time.  A candy store is a candy store, but the atmosphere and nostalgia offered in Lakeside Emporium is something that has been long lost by others and luckily, right here in Muskegon we've got their shop and all the bring to add to the experience!

Lakeside Emporium on Facebook

I was very surprised to find out after the interview, that they have added a new concoction to the offerings.  Stop in and ask for the "Andy O"!!!  It's a brownie, covered with either peanut butter or a marshmallow and then dipped in delicious milk chocolate!  The really awesome part, they said that 25% of every "Andy O" sold would go to the charity of my choosing. Of course, my first reaction was "ME!!"  but then, since I am a big softie, I figured the kids from No More Sidelines should be the recipients of a little something, so they will get the bounty!

The Andy O

Presenting the "Andy O".  Grab yourself one and help benefit No More Sidelines!!

Have a listen to my chat with Gary and Laureen and see what drives them to maintain such a special place in Muskegon.  Then, stop in to Lakeside Emporium and see for yourself what a truly awesome place we have, right here in Muskegon.

Click here to visit the Lakeside Emporium Website to Shop Online!

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