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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Muskegon Welcomes Buster Mathis Jr.

Once in a while, a story comes along that is just a dream!  I mean how often do you get a call saying that former Heavyweight Contender Buster Mathis Jr. Would like to spend a few minutes talking about an MMA show he's putting on at the VFW on Apple Saturday night....well, you drop what you're doing and go find Buster Mathis Jr.

Buster Mathis Jr. was ranked 10th when he got the chance to step in to the biggest stage of his time...a fight with Mike Tyson!  You'll hear a little more about that in the clip!

Our order of business right now is to help Buster get the word out about his event coming up at the VFW on Apple Avenue this Saturday Feb 6th!  Tickets are $25 and you can get the at All Signs, Racquets, The VFW and more!  You can also ask the fighters on the card about tickets and then join the fun Saturday night!

It's going to be a great show, but more over, Buster is out to help kids beat bullying!  Boxing is a great confidence builder and a great form to learn for self defense if ever needed.  Boxing teaches discipline, sacrifice and persistence.  It's a great art and with the expansion of MMA into mainstream popularity it's not what it once was, but it is still one of my favorite things to watch!

Have a listen to the interview below and try not to pay too close attention to my geek's outlook on meeting Buster and hear what he has to say about the event, his career and how kids today can benefit from the years of experience he brings to Muskegon to put on a show!

What a guy huh?   I loved how he talked so much about his dad so I thought I'd wrap things up with another moment from boxing lore, and to be honest....I'll keep the story we shared off camera about Ali being at his house when Buster was in the 11th grade at Grandville High School. Imagine going back to school and telling that story?  Make sure you check out the MMA Fights this Saturday at the VFW on Apple!  Buster will be there and you'll find too, he's a great guy with a great message!

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