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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Positively Muskegon - Meet John Koval - He Gets the Job Done

There are those who without asking for much get a LOT of things accomplished and benefit the greater good with their words and actions.  Such is the case with John Koval.

John owns Smitter Pest Control for his day job, but with that job he adds something daily for the betterment of others.  Even if it's just a traffic warning he stumbles upon while out on the road...he shares it to save everyone else a headache.

Find John at Smitter Pest Control

I have been trying to find an angle to get John on, but like many others...he just sees things that need to be addressed and he handles it.  Sandy Corley Run needs an extra pair of hands?  John is there.  Recently, John grabbed the reigns and resupplied a little league field that had all their equipment stolen.  He'll pitch in to help build softball leagues, he'll go on Facebook live and share his thoughts and actions and he doesn't ask for anything extra.  He does things because they are the right thing to do.

Click Here for the Event Page

That being said, he's probably shaking his head at all of this, but when he asked if I could help get the word out about a good time he's part of in Norton Shores...I grabbed the chance to get him in the spotlight!  If John's's going to be done right!'s what he wanted me to talk about!  June 9th and 10th there's going to be some fun to be had in Ross Park in Norton Shores!  They are celebrating Flag Day with 2 nights of music, a men's softball tournament a "beverage tent" and more.  It's an honest attempt to get another fun activity off the ground in Muskegon.  The Event is being organized by Norton Shores Arts and Drafts

I was able to catch up with John to talk a little about the party and get you to save the date to enjoy Ross Park in Norton Shores a little.  Take a listen to our chat below.

John is the kind of guy we like to shine a light on!  He's always there with a hand to lend, he's kind to all he meets and he sees as much beauty and excitement in being part of Muskegon and Muskegon's future.  Ya, I kind of waited till he came to me with a story idea, but if I went to him and said "Hey..let's talk about you"  he'd politely say no.  So now that you know John a little more...head out to the party n Ross Park and say thanks for all he does, quietly behind the scenes to make the world a better place!

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