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Thursday, May 4, 2017

LIVESTRONG at the Muskeogn YMCA - Helping Cancer Survivors Reclaim Their Lives

The word alone is enough to get most people to retract.....cancer.  No matter the form, be it a skin cancer or a brain tumor the stigma is there and the effects are merciless.  Even the thought of "I have cancer" can cause irreparable damage to the mind...not to mention the body.
The good news is, a lot more people are hearing that the cancer...if caught early is treatable.  Get it treated, get past it and get on with it, but how does long term recovery work?

Help the Y Raise the Bar for Muskegon's Health FB Event
The Muskegon YMCA has a program... LIVESTRONG with the YMCA.  It focuses on your health in the future, not the disease you just beat!  It's a 12 week program that combines building muscle mass and strength, increasing flexibility, fighting fatigue and building endurance and improving self confidence and esteem.  Lets' face it your own body attacking you can be quite a blow to your "mojo".

Like many other things, the Y can provide the mechanics, and structure but...there is an amazing undertone that comes with a program like this.  You are among others who have experienced the same shock and horror.  You are with other survivors who understand what you've been thru.  You are with caring and compassionate people who are all seeking the return to normal that you are.  Technically, it might be called "peer support" but having done a group meeting or two in my day..the real healing comes from the human connection.  We have the amazing ability within all of us to heal, and be healed.

LIVESTRONG on the Muskegon YMCA Website

This program offered through the Muskegon YMCA is free to cancer survivors.  The physical and emotional benefits are gifted to those who have survived the fight.  Which brings us to the point of this story.

There's going to be an informational breakfast event at the 18th Amendment Distillery in Downtown Muskegon.  It gets underway May 16th at 7:30a and the breakfast is being provided by Ryke's!  There will be no charge for the breakfast, but donations are accepted of course.I was able to catch up with Melissa Wikman from the Muskegon YMCA and Bryan Lambert of Brightway Insurance who sits on the board of the YMCA to talk about this great program and event. Take a listen to our chat below!

It's a great event for a great cause.  It's also very representative of the Muskegon YMCA and the care the put back into out town.  Kids programs, diabetes prevention, water safety, fitness, summer camps... the YMCA has so much to offer!  Make sure you stop down to the event at 18th Amendment to learn more.  Survivor or not, we all know someone who's been touched by cancer and to know those who have won the ultimate battle have a support system around them is truly remarkable.

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