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Monday, May 8, 2017

2017 Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive With The US Post Office May 13th

It's the easiest opportunity to help support area food banks.  All you have to do is set the donations at the mail box and the members of the NALC will take it from there.

Who are the members of the NALC?  Good question.  They are the men and women of the US Post office!

We're here to help them celebrate 25 years of this event!

Stamp Out Hunger on Facebook

It's become a juggernaut really, if you stop and think about the number of people on the street carrying mail, you can see why so much gets done in such a hurry.  Tons of food are collected from carriers on all routes.  If they are on foot, delivering rural or just trucking around a neighborhood, they are looking for your donation of non perishable food items this coming Saturday.

Cans, boxed food items, soups, dry goods....all acceptable.  If you're the owner of an estate you have the same opportunity to donate as they do in an apartment.  It's truly a way we can all do our part with minimal effort.  Simply bag up what you like, and leave it where your mail is collected!  Simple as that!  It's the nations biggest single day food drive!

We're just giving you the reminder.  After 15 years, hopefully you know all about it and if by chance you don't, go back to the beginning and read this again so you know what to do.

Special thanks to the people of the USPS for making sure they are going above and beyond when it comes to making sure those most vulnerable in our community are taken care of.  Rain, sleet, snow or dead of night.. the mail always comes thru!! For more details, click on the logo below!

Stamp Out Hunger Website

Sponsor Message

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