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Monday, March 7, 2016

Welcome to Halfshell Graphics!

Positively Muskegon is a small business.  Trust we grow, we see more and more what being a small business is!  It's late nights, it's belief in your product, it's customer service and most of all, it's dedication to an idea that you believe in and a commitment to making it the best product and service you can possibly come up with!  Muskegon is beginning to see more and more of these and when one business can help another business begin a trend!

A sample of Halfshell Graphics handiwork 

Nick Leisenring is the owner of Halfshell Graphics here in town and asked if we could use a hand in promoting Positively Muskegon the other night.  As we talked, we came to the agreement that we could both probably get a little something out of working together, so Nick said he'd take care of some stickers for us to share and we'd take care of spreading the word about his business, how it began and what he does!

Follow Halfshell Graphics on Facebook

We talk a little about the nuts and bolts of the promotional end of the work he does, but take a listen too to the thoughts he has about Muskegon.  Nick has a few other things going around town too, like a mobile DJ service, a paintball playing field and more!  Mostly tho, the thought of young people seeing opportunity here in Muskegon and being willing to go to the mat to make them work is what impressed me!  Take a listen to our chat below!

If you need promotional items, apparel, vehicle wraps, custom wall decals and more, give Halfshell Graphics a call at 231-638-2032 or visit their website linked below and get started!

Here's the link to Halfshell Graphics!!  We welcome them to Positively Muskegon an are glad to have the opportunity to work with others who see the best is yet to come in Muskegon!

Visit Halfshell Graphics Website

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