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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Positively Muskegon - 100th Anniversary!

Today, we celebrate the 100th story on Positively Muskegon!  Let me start by saying a very heartfelt thank you to you for taking the time to read the stories, share them on your social media, tell friends, talk back, share story ideas and generally refuse to believe what you see and hear, or don't hear on other media outlets!

The idea was simply this.  Muskegon needs something to tell the story of the good people here who work tirelessly to make a difference!  A good case in point, over the last year...I spoke to one person for a story who has not had a paycheck for 2 years, but still believes that her work is so important that she can't give up.  It's her against homelessness.  We've found out there are teams of dedicated people who help make sure kids have dinner who otherwise might go without.  We've heard about fun events, peoples passions, met former heavy weight contenders, shared career day with 8th graders and have people in other cities seeing the value and charm of our's been an adventure!

We've also picked up some really great sponsors.  Sincere thanks to them for believing in me and telling the stories that would otherwise possibly go unnoticed.

In the end, this short thank you note goes to you!  We're getting close to 30,000 readers!  THIRTY THOUSAND!  It's an awesome number and it's growing.  Why?  Because apparently I am not the only one who truly Loves Muskegon.  Share the stories!  Tell me what's important to you!  Watch Us Go for the next 100!  A very humble thank you! - Andy O

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