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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Time To Talk About Teen Drinking - Muskegon ALI

With Spring in the air and the school year not too far off from coming to a close, a lot of people are turning their attention to thoughts of graduation parties, open houses, bonfires, cook outs and all the fin things Muskegon has going in the Summer.  It's also time where people are a little more aware of the chances that teens will take the ultimate risk and get behind the wheel after they may have been drinking.  Graduating high school makes teens feel "grown up" but the reality is....they need some more time!
Face the Book on Facebook

In Muskegon, we have a program called "The ALI" which stands for Alcohol Liability Initiative.  The goal of the ALI is to educate youth about the dangers of underage drinking.  March 25th they will be hosting an online billboard contest where teens themselves will have a chance to design a billboard sharing their thoughts about underage drinking and hopefully, connecting with peers on their own level sharing some reasons that anyone under 21 should stay away from alcohol.

The idea is to give students a reason to participate with some gift cards and grand prizes and all, the underlying dialogue is really where the pay off should come,  Talk to your kids about the dangers of underage drinking.  Tell them the risks associated with that kind of behavior and let them know from your past experiences just how much risk they are taking on should they elect to drink.

Rachel McCoy, Sarah De La Rosa and Michael Poulan stopped by Positively Muskegon today to talk a little about the contest, some pointers about speaking to your child about the dangers of underage drinking.   Have a listen to our chat below!

Here's an entry template!  Check out the Muskegon ALI Facebook page linked above to get the specific rules of the contest!

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