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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

We Welcome Dave Alexander as a Contributing Writer to Positively Muskegon

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MUSKEGON -- For the past three months not a day has gone by when someone in Muskegon hasn't asked: "How's the new job going?"
The short answer is "fine." The more accurate answer is I love being executive director of Downtown Muskegon Now, but damn, running a one-person agency has been a challenging transition after 34 years as a reporter and editor at The Muskegon Chronicle and then MLive. 

Visit Downtown Muskegon Now Online

The actual work of Downtown Muskegon Now of economic development, promotions and events has been a blast. But I'm just learning -- and will be for some time -- the administration of a non-profit agency that staffs three separate boards. The administrative part of the job will hopefully get easier with time.

Thanks for asking.

I guess that I've got my feet under me enough to now start to think about what has come so easy for me the past three decades -- telling Muskegon's story in words. After three months from an "early retirement" from The Chronicle, I am ready to start writing again.

And I can think of no better place to share my thoughts and perspectives than with the readers of Positively Muskegon. Andy O'Riley has become a huge "brand" in Muskegon. His following from his radio career and now his community activities is impressive. He has a voice that speaks to what is best in Muskegon -- why I and many, many others love living here. 

Through my continued writing, I want to support Andy and others with Positively Muskegon. I hope to write a column once a month providing insight and perspective on what is going on in Muskegon. And from my position at Downtown Muskegon Now, I can tell you that it's plenty.

I'd love to continue my conversation with readers and Muskegon County residents through comments on Positively Muskegon and associated Facebook pages. If you have questions on what is going on in town ... ask away.

In the meantime, watch for my posts on Positively Muskegon. Watch Muskegon. Watch Us Go!

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