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Friday, October 23, 2015

What To Do This Weekend?

Happy Friday!  Wee-Doggie!

Let's take a look at what there is to do this weekend huh?  You'll find links under all the pictures.  Click on them for more info!

Haunting Season is upon us!  Lot's of fun and spooky Halloween things going on including the Trail Of Terror in Holton which is out to benefit the Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County and the Dakota Dean Murphy Scholarship fund!

At the Muskegon County Fairgrounds you'll find 3 haunting events going on.  The Murder Castle, The Cellar of Torture and The Woods!  Kids under 12 are being strongly cautioned about this event as it's pretty intense according to their website, but a good time for everyone else who'd like to freak their freak out!

 The Downtown Dead Crawl is happening Saturday night all up and down Western Avenue in Muskegon.  An annual tradition with all the fun you have come to expect from all of the participating establishments in  the corridor.  You'll be able to get a punch card and work your way up and down the street.  You'll find great times, drink specials and probably a friend or two.  

No More Sidelines will be having a fall arts and crafts show at the Folkert Community Hub Saturday beginning at 9 am if you are seeking a thrill other than being frightened.  

Finally, did you know?  Muskegon historic stops like the Hackley and Hume Homes - FREE to Muskegon residents in the month of October?  F.R.E.E.!

Just a few ideas for ya.  There is always a lot to do in Muskegon and more often than not, it's for a good cause so get out and enjoy the weekend and thanks for the read today!

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