The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show

The Muskegon Boat Life Adelaide Pointe Boat Show
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Rynberg's Car Company

Rynberg's Car Company
Family Owned

Monday, October 26, 2015

Random Kindness - Grandma Gail

It was a random happening, and you know, one of those kind of random happenings that make you stop and think about life and what it takes to get by day to day and sometimes, how one short encounter can make a difference.

Cindy had an appointment and we stopped for lunch after at Chili's on Henry Street.  As we were waiting, up rolled Grandma Gail in her powered chair.  Conversation went a little like this;

"Do you have kids"
"Nope, Grand kids"
"How Many"
"Boys or girls"
"4 boys, 2 girls"

Grandma Gail then reached into her bag and pulled out a bunch of handmade items, she took the time to make aprons for the girls and for the boys, she had a selection of Hot Wheels cars and a few toys from Happy Meals and things.  She explained she makes the aprons for kids out of old bed sheets and things, just something to keep her busy at her sewing machine.

Cindy asked "Do you sell these?" "No", replied Grandma Gail, "I just want you to have them so they can play and have some fun."  She then drove off to her table and we both kind of sat there thinking "Wow".

It was a good lesson, you know, not everything has to be expensive and not everything has to be the latest and greatest thing from a store themed by movies or tv characters.  More over, it really doesn't take a long time relationship to do something nice for someone, even if that someone is a random stranger.

I am sure this kind of thing goes on in other places, but to's the basis of Muskegon.  There are good people who will take the time to do something unexpected, those who don't expect anything in return for a good deed and those who just wan to leave their mark in their own way.  A random kindness when it was least expected.

So, now.....there will be a new apron and some Hot Wheels sent to Seattle, Hot Wheels to Montague and an apron and Hot Wheels to Allendale.  So how quick, and how far a random act of kindness spreads?  Try it!

If you are wondering....yes....we paid the act back by taking care of the lunch bill for Grandma Gail.  How do you not take advantage of being able to return a good deed so quickly?

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