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Sunday, October 25, 2015

School Millage's - Not as Easy As You Think

Let's talk about school millage's.  No one wants to think about paying more for anything, but when it comes to the schools you have to think long term.  I have never had a kid in a school, I do have two teachers in the family but even before then, I have never once voted against a millage.  It's important to make sure that kids have when they need when they get to school and are able to make best use of their time there.  I won't get into specifics but to some kids, going to school is the most stable environment they will be in all day.  They will be among friends and people wanting to make a positive influence on their lives, there will be food, structure and hopefully a lifetime of knowledge.

I don't pretend to understand how everything works when it comes to this kind of thing, but....I have learned a few things in my time on the Roosevelt Park City Council, and it's not as easy as it seems.  Do I agree with the complication?  Hell no.  But, it is what it is and if the school says they need more it's not a cash grab or an easy decision.  The key here is the way schools are funded.  They have individual funds for everything.  Building funds, athletic funds, general funds......on and on.  Makes you shake your head a little, but it's how it works.

We live in the Mona Shores District, My wife teaches in Fruitport and both schools are asking voters this November.  Both schools desperately need building improvements and both schools are asking for your help with a vote to pass the millage.    There are buildings literally falling apart.  There are needs for roofs. walls, security and more.  They are asking for about $75 bucks from most people who have a taxable value of $100k on their house.  It comes down to pennies a day to contribute to the well being of our kids.  It's a sound investment.  It's a needed request and it's up to us to make sure the future for them is the best it can be.

Both schools have taken the time to put together a short video to explain their needs.  Please take a minute and learn more and then, act on it when it's time to vote in a little over a week.

Click on the Fruitport logo for their video

For Mona Shores

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