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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club Spring Show April 13th at LC Walker Arena

It's really a treat when you get to be a part of a group and watch it grow.  It wasn't long ago we got a call from the Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club and they asked if we'd consider maybe doing a story on their group of young people who skate and had a little Halloween show coming up, all they were looking for was a little hand in getting the word out about the show and hoped some people would come and support the kids and see the effort they put in to put it on.

The other great thing about the Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club is that they continue to reach for new levels to share the sport with not only friends and family, they have taken their sport to new participants that may have never had a chance to try skating out in the first place.  Let's go back a minute though.  Late last year, the club moved it's home base to the LC Walker Arena in Downtown Muskegon.  Not only was this an opportunity for them to utilize a facility with a few more amenities for friends and fans, it was a chance to extend their partnerships with groups like the Junior Jacks and the Boys and Girls Club.  So, the Learn to Skate program had a few new participants come along and the opportunity for some peer to peer learning and....connections between kids who might have otherwise never met!  Building community through figure skating?  Who would have thought?

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Well, as Spring is Springing and we're getting closer and closer to the ice getting melted off at the LC Walker Arena, it's time to put on one more show and not only give those who have been in the club a while a chance to shine, but...to bring those new to the sport into the spotlight and give them a chance to shine on the biggest stage in town!  April 13th!  Be at the LC Walker Arena for the Get up and Dance Spring show!  It's from 3-4pm and it's free! Of course, there is a suggested donation of $5 to help cover the costs of the ice time, but...if money is tight, it's cool, come and enjoy...donate what you can.  You'll see some skaters from the club, the Boys and Girls Club will be represented and there wil be performances by some special guest star skaters from other skating clubs in Michigan who will delight you and yours the entire time.  You'll get group routines as well as individual shows and to see these young athletes give it their all, well....it's gonna make you feel goooood.

I had a chance to catch up with Joshua Smith from the Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club to talk about the show coming up as well as the growth of their organization.  Take a Listen.

It's a matter of supporting our young people.  Not much more.  You'll enjoy the show and you'll also be able to see the hard work and determination kids from 5-18 put in and...you might even find out a little more about getting your critters involved!  Our arena is hockey central...we all know that, in fact....the Muskegon Lumberjacks have the last game of the regular season that night! Make a day out of it!  Come see a great show and celebrate the achievement of these great young athletes in the Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club!  For more about the Muskegon Lakeshore Figure Skating Club, visit their website by clicking below.

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