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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Lakeshore Garden Masters Keeping Muskegon Beautiful at the Monet Gardens

We hunt high and low to find the people and groups who add a little something in their own way to make Muskegon what it is.  Everyone's contributions add up to making our home a pretty wonderful place.  We sure don't claim perfection or anything, but it's pretty darn good and every day, it seems to be getting better.  It's the collective effort of everyone that's making it happen....sometimes right before our eyes in ways we might not even know.

Take for instance, a stroll up Western Avenue.  Sure, there are amazing restaurants and breweries now.  Yes, there are plenty of new buildings going up with beautiful new homes in them and shiny fronts that glisten in the sun and give us all something to admire the work going into them.  We have stoic standby's like the post office and the LC Walker Arena as well as projects as new as the Chalet's and the Muskegon Farmers Market.  They are all adding up to some pretty exciting times in Downtown Muskegon and for those who have been here a while, a chance to exhale and see the progress that just seemed to come to a halt when the old mall came down and no one really knew what was next for the core of our area.
Follow the Lakeshore Garden Masters on Facebook

Well, for quite some time among-st all that "what's next" wondering, there has been a tiny little pocket park just up around the corner from Western Avenue on the corner of Clay and 5th streets which has been lovingly curated by the Lakeshore Garden Masters.  It was a bare lot at one point and like anything, Florence Bright Stahl took a glance and said "That can be better", so the work began.  A theme was chosen, and if you're going to do floral art, you might as well go with Monet right?  So became the Monet Gardens of Muskegon.

Today, the Lakeshore Garden Masters spend hours and days a year maintaining this beautiful Downtown landmark.  They also meet regularly to discuss gardening, hot topics in the field, they take field trips to learn more about their passion and they share their love for all things plants and dirt.  They meet and share some fellowship, I do believe I heard the words "pot luck" brought up too so there's always a chance you'll walk away with something good to eat as well.

The Monet Garden Go Fund Me Page

The Monet Gardens are looking for a little help if you can.  As the years have gone by, like anything, some work needs to be done in the park.  They are upgrading the walkways to make it more accessible for everyone.  They are also of course in need of general improvements in their "20 for 20" campaign which will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the park in just a couple short years!  It's a true destination for Muskegon and something we all should take some pride in.  It's a tourist destination, it's a wedding spot, it's an oasis that's stood the test of time and it's a spot of beauty where you can just pause and catch your breath in the every day hustle and bustle of life.

Speaking of pride, no one is more proud of the Monet Garden than Jean Baker.  She got a hold of me to ask if we'd help tell the story.  So, we met up and talked about the club, her passion for gardening and how you can help with the project.  Take a listen.

How's that for a little background on something you knew about and probably wondered how it happened?  The people of the Lakeshore Garden Masters are hard at work quietly contributing their part to make home, "home".  As the construction happens now at the end of the season and the Fall and Winter settle in, know that the work will be going on and the opportunity for you to be a part of it is there.  If you'd like to learn a little more about the Lakeshore Garden Masters, click on their logo below to visit their website!  Many thanks to Jean Baker for the chance to learn a little more.

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